Céline Miani Dr.P.H.

About me

*** News: I have been granted ERC funding for a 5-year project on gynaecological violence (ERC starting grant "GYNVEPI: toward an epidemiology of gynaecological violence"). It will contribute to understanding experiences of care and improving health for all patients of gynaecological care. ***

I am a Professor for Social and Gender Epidemiology in the department of “Epidemiology and International Public Health”, at the School of Public Health, Bielefeld University, Germany.

I am also an affiliated researcher within Unit 14 “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” of the Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined), France.

My research focuses on gender norms and relations and their impact on reproductive health and healthcare (e.g. contraception, birth, abortion).

​Before moving to Germany, I conducted health services and policy research in the UK for 6 years, at the University of Cambridge and RAND Europe.

​Before getting my PhD degree from Bielefeld University, I studied at École Normale Supérieure and the Paris School of Economics in France. 

​I am passionate about reproductive health research and an advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.

​For regular updates, follow me on Twitter!

On 30. October 2024 I had the great honour of receiving the Rita Süssmuth Research Prize for gender-related research from the Ministry of Science and Culture of the Land North Rhine-Westphalia.

The prize will support continued efforts to build capacity and raise awareness about gender norms and (reproductive) health. 

Photo credit: MKW/Mark Hermenau