
ResearchGate, Google Scholar

Work in Progress

``The Long-term Impact of Housing Subsidies on the Rental Sector: the French Example'', 2022, Banque de France, WP866 (fr), with C. Trevien

``Don’t Bet the Farm on Insurance Subsidies'', with B. Villeneuve et M. Yeterian

``Urban Heat Islands and Inequalities: Evidence from French Cities", with J. Sixou and A. Sotura


Peer-reviewed Articles (in English)

``The Ground for Negotiation: Zoning for Risk Reduction around Hazardous Plants'', 2020, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 180, pp. 657-677, with B. Villeneuve

``Natural Disasters, Land Use, and Insurance'', 2019, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 54–86, with B. Villeneuve, SCOR - Geneva Risk and Insurance Review Best Paper Award

``How Does Fuel Taxation Impact New Car Purchases? An Evaluation Using French Consumer-Level Dataset'', 2018, Energy Economics, vol. 74, pp. 76-96, with P. Givord and H. Naegele

``Natural Disasters : Exposure and Underinsurance'', 2018, Annals of Economics and Statistics, No. 129, pp. 53-83

``The Benefits of Uniform Flood Insurance'', 2015, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, vol. 40, 41-64, with S. Lemoyne de Forges

``The Impact of Hazardous Industrial Facilities on Housing Prices: A Comparison of Parametric and Semiparametric Hedonic Price Models'', 2014, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 49, pp. 93-107, with A. Katossky

``The Significance of Switzerland's Enormous Current-Account Surplus'', 2008, Aussenwirtschaft, Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research (SIAW-HSG), University of St. Gallen, Issue 4, with P. Jarrett

Peer-reviewed Articles (in French)

``La diminution du soutien aux transferts universels en France : les conceptions du système de protection sociale ébranlées par la crise de 2008 ?'' 2017, Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, No. 1, pp. 205-229, with A. Papuchon

``Prévention des catastrophes naturelles : viser le long terme sans attendre'', 2015, Revue d'économie financière, Special issue No. 117 ``Climate Change and Sustainable Finance'', with B. Villeneuve

``Les risques industriels et le prix des logements'', 2013, Economie et Statistique, No. 460-461, pp. 79-106, with A. Katossky

``L'assurance habitation dans les départements d'Outre-mer : une faible souscription'', 2011, Economie et Statistique, No. 447, July 2012, pp. 57-70, with L. Calvet