About me


Bât. B37 Analyse - Analyse fonctionnelle - Ondelettes 

Quartier Polytech 1

Allée de la Découverte 12

4000 Liège


Office : 1/75

+32 4 3669636

celine.esser at uliege.be 

Scientific Carreer

Since 2020 : Chargé de cours at the Mathematics Department of  the Université de Liège. 

2019 : Premier assistant at the Mathematics Department of  the Université de Liège. 

2018 - 2019 : Assistant at the Mathematics Department of  the Université de Liège. 

2017 - 2018 : Postdoctoral Researcher of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), Université de Liège.

2015 - 2017 : Postdoctoral Researcher CEMPI at the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Université de Lille (mentor : Antoine Ayache)

2011 - 2015 : Research Fellow of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), Université de Liège (thesis under the supervision of Françoise Bastin).

Academic Service (ULiège)

Since 2023 : Representative of the Doctoral College at the Doctorate Board.

Since 2022 :  President of the Doctoral College Math.

2019  - 2022 : Vice-president of the Doctoral College Math.