List of Rules

1: Basic Stuff

-No persistent verbal confrontational talk without consent.

-No non permitted ads. 

-No real world crimes.

-Use channels correctly.

-No real world hate.

-No repeat cusses. 

-No harassing/spam.


2: Uphold the Charter

-No seceding from UN.

-No lying about server systems. (Stocks, Market, Justice, Discord, Staff)

3: Nation Identification

-Nation frontiers must be owner country color.

-Puppet states must be same frontier color as overseer nation.

-No claiming to be apart of a nation you're not in using frontiers/minecolonies. 

*Substates are okay, just steer clear of nation names.

*Admin will fix your frontiers/minecolonies if you violate these rules.

4: Game Play

-No cheating (xray/dupping/hacks)

-No impersonating to get advantage.

-No abusing staff powers.

-No lag machines. 

5: UN Gov Rules

-No secret laws. 

-Laws must have unique names.

-No criminalizing UN voting.

-No UN preventing nation formation.

-No removing charter roles as judicial penalty.

-No laws/constitutional rulings that criminalize acts which are allowed in server charter. 

5: Contract Gov Rules

-If player signs contract agreeing to vote certain way regarding a specific law then their vote is auto tallied.

-Players cannot sign contracts agreeing to blindly vote yes to a law not yet proposed.

7: Dealing with Contradictions