Bill of Rights

Your Legal Rights


You can go to court over rights violations.

Whenever gov is mentioned assume it refers to the UN, nations, and alliances.

Both criterion must be met.

Inherent Rights

Player Rights

1: Gov may only measure ingame or discord acts/events. 

2: Gov may not violate double jeopardy. 

3: Gov may not use overkill punishments.

4: Gov may not create nonconsensual contracts between players.

5: Players have the right to not have illegal private property on lands granted to them. Nations can prior to a player joining specify they have the rights to make it so that lands granted to players go to the nation instead.

New Player Rights

1: Gov may not allow ingame assistance which leads to new players bypassing the natural learning process players go through.

2: Gov may not allow new players to be extorted for protection.

Nation Rights

1: Gov may not unreasonably impede recruitment.

2: Gov may not impede security of vital territory for a prolonged time.

3: Gov may not create nonconsensual treaties between nations.

4: Treaties, joining a nation, and or contracts with no resolution and lengthy to no expiration can be revised based on present events. 

5: Nations have the right to not have illegal private property on their lands. Click here to see how private property is legally formed.

Anti Corruption Rights

1: Gov may not unreasonably benefit certain players and or groups.

2: Laws may not be clarified beyond their intent.

3: Gov may not force players to join/remain in or be allowed to join/remain in a country.

4: Laws may not deprive shareholders of ability to self determine their stocks unless their self determining causes great harm to players.

5: Gov may not act outside allowed charter actions. 

6: UN may not illegalize evidence use in trial if that unreasonably benefits certain players and or groups.

Needless Authority Rights

1: Gov may only restrict actions/cause harm with a logical reasons.

These reasons include conflict resolution, cultural instillment, economic progress.

2: Laws/Treaties/Contracts may not be useless. 

Understandable Rights

1: Gov may not be misleading or be overly vague/wordy.

2: Gov laws may not be nearly impossible to follow. 

3: There must be an effort to inform all players about the laws.

Legal Hierarchy Rights

Acquired Rights

Religious Freedom Rights

1: Counties can create fictional state religions.

2: Countries can mandate religions.

3: Countries can with owner permission declare structures to be religious.

4: Countries can create religious ranks.