
A series of desert bases that are divided between religious factions





Various Religious Leaders+UN Court

(Fight Civilwars)

Religious Groups

Gandhi Worshipers

Leader: Dark

Ignitus Worshipers

Leader: Tis Me

Eternal Flame Worshipers

Leader: Tis Me

Advent Rights

Rights of Civilwar

Civilwar Rules

What Civilwars Decide

Rights of Religious Leaders

Rights of Religious Establishment


Religious Leader Criterion

Sentinel Rights

Sentinels reserve the rights to change this constitution so as to deal with various unforeseen issues. 

Religious Upheaval

Tis Me removed the Lincoln Faith and replaced it with a offshoot of the First Flame Faith

This new offshoot faith is known as Ignitus

Gluon abandoned the Creeper Theocracy to be under Worshipper of Gandhi Control

The Holy Challenge

DarkEclipses complained there wasn't enough Holy Wars.

Gluonmaster challenged Tis Me to a Holy War over the territory in pink shown in the image. If Gluon won then Gluon gains the pink land for her religious following. Vice versa with Tis Me.

Gluon tried freezing and lava to immobilize Tis Me. Tis escaped into the water. Gluon escaped into the air using her starlight powers. Tis ranged Gluon. Gluon fell to the ground and the narrator started ranting. Gluon escaped. Tis caught Gluon. Tis Me froze Gluon and stabbed her to death.

The Church of Lincoln has embraced Tis Me as the only person strong enough to liberate slaves. Gluon was excommunicated from the Church. Tis Me now runs the Church of Lincoln. 

Gluon also murdered some Lincoln Civilians calling them heretics.

Fall of the Third Religious Order

The Cult of Ghen disbanded in exchange for Northern Territory. The territory was divided between First Flame, Creeper Theocracy, and Followers of Gandhi.

Followers of Gandhi was expanded when Advent was granted more land to buy.

Large Territory Grants

During a Court Trial, Gluon argued that the Advent was the legal sucessor of BusyEve Regency which is the legal sucessor of FSS. Gluon then argued that the court trials to disband FSS were improperly conducted.

This meant both cases were repealed and Advent got a large portion of FSS lands. Advent made a deal with Owtia to annex their Churchlands in Central North Advent. The agreement was that Owtia in exchange would get more First Flame Lands in the Advent.

Fall of the Second Religious Order

Ghen demanded the Yakuza Temple and Gluon relented since she was already facing tons of backlash about her conduct towards insulting Tis Me and Ghen demanding cheaper food prices.

Ghen claimed Goofy, the Religious Leader of Mao Stalin Lenin, was building a harem, forcing children into slavery, ruining the land, and also apparently using the oil revenue to fund rebels in Gluon's country. Gluon ordered Mao Stalin Marxs be shut down via her emergency constitutional powers.

Fall of the First Religious Order

Ghen begun a campaign to establish the Cult of Ghen. Ghen demanded Gluon give up some land for the religious movement.

Additionally Ghen built towers to advance Ghen's borders into Gandhi. The court ruled that since Wig was inactive the land would be partitioned between Ghen and Dark. Dark became the leader of Gandhi.

Gluon granded Ghen a lot of Lunar Creeper lands in a effort of appeasement. 

First Religious Council

Gandhi Worshipers rallied around Wig, Mao Stalin Marxs rallied around Goofy. Gluon recieved the Lunar Creepers and Lincolners as her followers. First Flame recieved Tis Me.

The Yakuza remained as a Sentinel colony on the island.

Reactionary Exilement

All reactionary and religious elements were exiled from the Sentinels following the Soviet Coup.

Loss of the Throne

BusyEve was declared inactive thus no longer eligible to be leader. Now the country has a new constitution.

Reason for Existence

After FSS was partitioned (see more on FSS's webpage) the Sentinels became custodians over the BusyEve Regency.

Right to the Throne

BusyEvening was originally suppose to lead all of the former FSS lands after their partition. Busy said he had no interest in taking the throne so Gluon is acting as regent.