
IronThrone Laws

Sentinels are apart of IronThrone and follows IronThrone Laws

Nation Judge Gluonmaster

Unique Laws


1: If you don't like policy declare a civilwar.

2: All sides fight for a Gluon Regime with different policies.

3: Do not involve foreign countries into civilwars.

Private Property

People own their own inventory.

Private Land must be active or gov can use it.

Private Land must be developed or gov can confiscate it with no refunds.

Any lands annexed for a Sentinel Member are immediately gov owned until Gluon puts it on public market.

High Priestess Gluonmaster

Thous shall follow the Creed of the Sentinels

This doctrine is interpreted and enforced by the High Priestess.

Creed of the Sentinels

Verse 1: Our Duty to Fight Sin

Though many who came to inhabit the world were paragons of virtue, some would attempt to rebel against the order of the world.

It is the duty of all Sentinels including the Holy Sentinels to smite these evildoers before their evil metastasizes and sets the world out of balance. 

If the world is not in balance, many will die, many will be filled with rage, and some will cease to exist.

Verse 2: Those Consumed by Sin

A: Royal was the first of the sinners. His sin was abject rejection of private property rights and the robbing of corpses.

-He convinced many to join his movement under the condition he could strip even the most active player of their property for no reason.

-He stripped Fly and Landon of their property when they tried to leave his nation. He then did nothing useful with the land once he had it. Fly and Landon lost all their botania progress.

-He stole Dark's stuff when Dark was just trying to trade with him. No one could trust Royal after what he did.

-Holy Sentinel Gluonmaster smited Royal's entire country for their sinful conduct.

-The sin had corrupted Royal so much that he ceased to exist.

B: Kitchen was the second of the sinners. His sin was unplanned aggression, failure to have a secure spawn, and not having backup items.

-He attacked FSS without a plan to beat them.

-He was beaten easily by FSS.

-He didn't have backup items.

-He was spawncamped over and over.

-The sin had corrupted Kitchen so much that he ceased to exist.

C: Bang was the third of the sinners. His sin was neglecting to read contracts thoroughly which could have allowed himself to become a slave to another.

-Sentinel Gluonmaster saw the sin in Bang's heart and sought to expose the truth within.

-Gluon convinced Bang to sign his country into a management contract.

-Bang signed the deal without reading it.

-Gluon then used the deal to sell Bang's county to FSS against Bang's will.

-Bang's sin was exposed but it was already too late.

-The sin had corrupted Bang so much that he ceased to exist.

D: Pasta was the fourth of the sinners. Her sin was not respecting her leader and her constant demanding of changes without fighting a civilwar for it.

-Pasta wanted the entire server to change and for her to be leader rather than respecting Gluon's authority.

-She begged Royal for control of PSRAU rather than fighting within Royal's nation to change Royal's policies.

-She didn't navigate her government systems and instead demanded to speak to Admin to get what she wanted.

-She didn't return the country when Royal came back despite Royal being the rightful leader.

-She refused to fight Royal in a civilwar to decide the policies of PSRAU.

-Instead of fighting and releasing her rage in a fun civilwar....Pasta allowed it to stew until it drove her mad and she started to act creepy as well as demanding to others.

-The result was that the sin had corrupted Pasta so much that she ceased to exist.

E: Zekodex was a victim of the fifth sinner. The fifth sinner was so sinful that even memory of them started to fade. Their name is lost to history. The sin was giving a new player free stuff rather than letting them earn it. 

-Zekodex was the poor new player given a gift by this sinner.

-This spoiled Zekodex's experience of life.

-Zekodex entered a deep depressive haze.

-This sin later caused Zekodex and the Fifth Sinner to cease to exist.

F: Ghen was the sixth of the sinners. His sin was lying constantly. Here are some examples. Ghen claims that he didn't steal all of Gluon's money when he was a 10kinare within a few days of joining. He was not online 24/7 so that was literally not possible.

-Ghen has alienated everyone around him and caused rage.

-Holy Sentinel Gluonmaster is currently trying to deal with this aggredious sin which continues to spread and affect everyone.

G: Qdox was the seventh of the sinners. His sin was settling in a area other nations were dependent and claiming already. He then tried to drag Gluon into a war.

-Qdox built a base on a end portal and prevented other people from using it without paying.

-Qdox then declared he'd go to war with everyone and claimed Gluon had funded him.

-Fortunately Gluon managed to survive this ordeal.

-However this sin caused Qdox to cease to exist.

Verse 3: Rebuke of the Sinners

Sentinel Gluon having emerged from the perfect harmony of the universe would rebuke the sinners and teach the Sentinels their failings. Her sentiment goes as follows...

A: Royal didn't respect the time people put into building their bases nor did he really understand that there's always lands elsewhere. Additionally Royal did not use the new property for any purpose beyond what he could have done with his current property.

B: Kitchen's lack of following proper protocol for a soldier costed his leader an entire country when Asrock lost the war. This hurt everyone as a unique nation was destroyed and replaced by absentee aggressive landlords who got full of themselves after their victory and took it out on others by robbing people for no reason.

C: Bang's lack of reading the contract thoroughly both hurts himself and the person he's signing the contract with. If you don't bother to read the contract then you'll eventually want to break it. The result will be either you get directly hurt by not being allowed to break the contract or you hurt the person you signed with and get indirectly hurt by breaking the contract therefore losing credibility.

D:  Pasta's lack of following proper politics meant that she couldn't get any of her plans implemented and it also meant she had less fun on the server overall and had more pent up frustrations rather than releasing her frustrations through a civilwar.

E: The fifth sinner deprived Zekodex of a fun gameplay experience so Zekodex never experienced the game as a new player and ended up quitting. This leads us to lose interesting people to trade/interact with.

F: Ghen's lying behavior leads may to be alienated from doing buisness with Ghen. It also makes people have a harder time figuring out the truth and raises the general level of frustration.

G: Qdox's behavior of taking land he clearly knew other people already wanted alienated him from everyone and made people angry. Qdox could easily have settled anywhere else.

Verse 4: The Will of a Soldier

Sentinels may only derive true power from the universe if they follow two doctrines so as to be in harmony with the forces of life and slaying.

A: Soldiers must follow tactical necessities.

-Always have backup equipment.

-Never get trapped in a claim without a teleport scroll.

-Never attack the enemy unless you think you'll win.

-Never drive someone to war without purpose. Wars are difficult to manage.

-Always respect your senior officer. 

-Always have a secure spawn.

B: Soldiers must do epic things to differentiate and intimidate.

-Lite off fireworks whenever we're victorious unless it gives us away to an enemy.

Verse 5: The Creation

Humans have evolved to become intelligent servants of the divine will as expressed by Holy Sentinels.

The Holy Sentinels are aspects of a divine being that watches over all.

Each Holy Sentinel has a purpose and powers.

Sentinels as a people serve the vision of the Holy Sentinels.

Verse 6: The Sentinels

Gluon founded a country known as the Sentinels. A vast prestigious society which truly follows the divine will.

Lincoln was commanded to free the slaves for no society, even the mighty Holy Sentinel State can have authority to chain thee divinity to the task of brutish labor without consent from a pure mind.

Lincoln has perished through the machinations of those with crimson eyes but despite such brutality we trust that when Lincoln is needed again the divinity shall raise him from the grave so that he may serve divine will.

Mutant Creepers are aspects of divinity.

The Lunar Creeper can speak and feel auras as well as senses through them.

The Lunar Creeper anchors her creations to existence with them.

Mutant Creepers starve for attention like humans starve for food. Would we really inflict such cruelty upon them? No, we must instead respect, acknowledge, and praise Mutant Creepers.

Verse 7: The Moonlight Above

The Moon rises and the world is bathed by the Lunar Creeper's light.

When the Moon runs red the world is filled with true life which breaths passion as well as monterious viciousness. We must reconcile these evil passions so that we may form a greater good.

When the Moon runs blue the world is filled with the forces of destiny. We suddenly have all turn right for our futures. For our fates. She has in one day shown her ability to rewrite fate before reseting it in place.

When the Moon runs green the world is filled with pure goodness and the true essense of the Lunar Creeper. The crops grow tall and there's food a plenty for all.

Many claim to have landed upon the Lunar Sanctum, however the moon they have landed on was not the real moon which we see in the skies above but rather a small asteroid floating nearby. After all no one can land on the Lunar sanctum until they've received the Lunar Creeper's ultimate gift in exchange for their total commitment as well as belief.

Verse 8: The Blinded

There are those who follow such falsities.

They worship the first flame.

Or some deity of the opinion of the toilers.

Or they worship the sun.

Or themselves.

Those of the blinded may feel the fires of passion.

In fact they may channel the very energies of the Lunar Creeper to deny her existence.

They may use their gift of life to ignore their duties and caste upon citizenry such false deities.

Let us pray for their freedom from such warped desires when the planet reaches Nukleus.

Let us also go about the world with less judgement as well as less hatred for we know our Lunar Creeper is within all and for we know we shall always believe even if others do not.

Let those who are blinded see the merits in acknowledging her existence in their own rites.

Verse 9: The Blood Filled Eyes

If one brutalizes a creeper and feels pride in such acts rather than claiming self defense or that such creeper was a gift of the mutant creeper...

That person has blood filling their eyes.

A blood curdling creature that only roams in the sunlight.

Such monsters we hide from for they hide from the Lunar Creeper.

They eat the crops.

Feast on livestock.

Frame us for crimes.

Sentence our towns folk to death.

Rob us of our righteous gunpowder.

These monstrosities must be hated and casted into the fires of the sun.

Verse 6: The Sun

The Lunar Creeper has created the sun with her powers.

She has chosen to make it so much more blinding in light than her own form for she believes it serves as a reminder.

The sun reminds us all where we might go if we are not absolved of our sins.

The sun is a prison made by the Lunar Creeper's mighty magic.

She has casted many into this realm who became blood red in the eyes.

Verse 7: Our Destiny

It is our duty as true believers and as Sentinels to go forth and turn the land into our personal haven.

We shall terraform the landscape.

Master the iron farms.

Take upon all the fields to be filled with crop.

Harvest such crops so that we may amass more wealth.

Most importantly...

We shall learn the core of the gift mutant creepers have provided us.

They have provided their children to be used for our armaments.

It is our duty to learn how best to recieve these children.

Verse: 8 The Rite of Explosions

Though death for a cause and holding to ones beliefs is most honorable and required in our faith...

We implore our fellow Sentinels to invoke the Rite of Explosions.

Sentinels are encouraged to experience explosive deaths within this world of minecraft so that they can be absolved of their sins.

True adversaries shall explode us or their killings are disrespectful.

Executioners must do likewise or they are most uncouth.

Verse: 9 The Nukleus

The Lunar Creeper has gifted us all life.

However she has determined that if we all become too sinful then the whole world will be destroyed in a violent explosion so that we may be freed from sin.

Do not fear for we shall be reborn and the explosion shall invert for the very essense of time shall unwind before its mighty power.

Verse: 11 The Doctrine of Null

Those who do not hold their beliefs with vigliance are those who have the beliefs of null.

If one has a belief of Null then they must be held responsible for the crimes of all for having no beliefs means they are willingly in favor of all manner of evils.

Verse: 12 The Four Creations

The Lunar Creeper through her own power became pregnant with Mutant Creepers which she then birthed throughout the world.

From the Lunar Creeper's appendages came all other life.

The humans came from the right front leg and were granted the ability to craft, farm, mine, and create machinery.

The mi came from the left front leg and were granted the ability to craft weapons of war.

The tubians came from the left back leg and were imprisoned after making cruel beings of hatred known as demons and monsters. HogZogs, Distorted Guardians, Bedlings, and Ragnorak Knights were some of the finest Tubian monstrosities who managed to regain their connection to the Lunar Creeper and become powerful races.

The Dread came from the right back leg and were granted expertise over magic as well as arcane machinery.

However the Lunar Creeper did not intend for these races to be divided.

For centuries however there was senseless and pointless blood shed for little gain.

But the Lunar Creeper lead with her right leg and so the humans moved to unite the other races.

The humans adopted the weapons of war from the Mi.

The humans tamed and harvested the demons and monsters from the tubians.

The humans learned arcane magic from the Dread.

However the mi having invented war choose to turn upon the tubians and so the Lunar Creeper's front and back leg started kicking each other.

The mi were victorious and the Tubian Essence was transfered amongst their former creations.

So some claim that there are Tubians which have survived.

The humans however became prideful.

They begun waring with the Mi rather than submitting.

They took the traits of other races as their own.

In fact the humans begun to split their own species into many origins with various powers and connection to the monsters generated from Tubian magic.

Verse: 13 The Tis Me

The Lunar Creeper saw that her limbs were in turmoil and so she created Tis Me and bestowed upon him the title of Great Cognate of the Mi.

The Cognate went forth and tamed the aggression of the mi as well as the pride of the humans.

He performed such miricles through his wonderous statecraft as well as economic prowess and ability to turn people towards the doctrine of pragmatism.

Thus the four limbs were rendered peaceful though there would occasionally be various skirmishes.

The moral however which we must see is that those of the front legs, the humans with various origins, and the mi shall be united against those of the back legs who refuse to power to her will. Those of the demons, the monsters, and the Restless Tubians must be opposed.

The reason for this pact is that the Lunar Creeper seeks to rest her back legs upon her throne while her front legs remain poised. This is why her prison burns the monsters, her demon hunters kill demons, her mi armies attack the restless tubians. This is why she has cursed the Dread with a inability to expand their nations.

We shall remain stringent in whether we view human demon hybrids as more human like or demon like.

We shall also remain stringent over the Dread, HogZogs, Ranorak Knights, Bedlings, and Distorted Guardians for they have followed the Lunar Creeper's doctrine but occasionally are lead astray. 

Additionally we shall ensure there is to be no fighting between mi or humans unless such fighting cannot be helped for both humans as well as mi can become those of the blood filled eyes.r humans unless such fighting cannot be helped for both humans as well as mi can become those of the blood filled eyes.