We offer two worship services on Sundays:
The 10:00 AM Morning Worship Service includes a timely message, prayer time, scripture readings and contemporary worship on screen.
Our Online Worship Service will be posted in The Celebration blog. It consists of a series of Youtube links to the pre-recorded sermon and songs to allow you to worship safely at home. Offerings may be sent to:
Celebration United Methodist Church
Attn: Geretta Greene
1289 S 250 E
Winona Lake, IN 46590
Holy Communion is observed the first Sunday of the month during the in-person worship service. In that we remember Jesus' sacrifice for us by eating bread and drinking grape juice together. In our church the Lord's Table is open to ALL who love Christ, repent of their sins and seek to live in peace with God and one another... regardless of age, whether members or having been baptized or not.
In-Church Worship
NOTE: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our church has adopted the following measures
1. If you are fully vaccinated, you may go without wearing a mask in worship
2. If you have not been vaccinated, we encourage you to wear a mask, especially during congregational singing and when entering/exiting
3. If you have not been vaccinated, we encourage you to continue to social distance… please spread out when seating
4. If you feel safer worshiping at home, we will continue to post online service links each week
Attendance is at your discretion and choice. The church specifically disclaims any responsibility for a person’s health as a result of attending worship.