

29-06-2023, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Conceptual engineering and metaontology w-shop, EPISTEME Research Group.

Title: Ontological Disputes and Stalemates: Learning the Pluralist Lesson

12/14-05-2023, University of Lodz (Poland), PHILANG 2023: Eigth international conference on philosophy of language and linguistics.

Title: Can conceptual engineers be conservative towards concepts? [Keynote talk]

23-02-2023, Stockholm University, Departmental Colloquium.

Title: Conceptual engineering: can we be “critically conservative” about concepts? [Cancelled due to illness]

15-12-2022, University of Padua, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA), Seminar of the Nous research group.

Title: "Conceptual engineering: what are we talking about?"

14-11-2022, Conceptual Engineering Virtual Seminar (Online Work-in-Progess Seminar).

Title: “You’re changing the Subject: an unfair objection to conceptual engineering”

10-11-2022, Uppsala University,  Philosophy Department, Joint Seminar Uppsala-Stockholm.

Title: “You’re changing the Subject: an unfair objection to conceptual engineering”


31-05-2023, Nächte der Philosophie, series of events organized by the Gesellschaft für angewandte Philosophie (GAP), in Vienna (Austria).

Public lecture: “Marriage, democracy, and planets: what does it mean to criticize a concept?”

16-03-2023, Filosofiska Kårföreningen, Uppsala.

Public lecture: “Marriage, democracy, and planets: what does it mean to criticize a concept?

Event organization

5/6-07-2023. Graduate Workshop "New Perspectives on Language, Concepts, and Mind".

This is an online workshop hosting talks from graduate students who work at Uppsala and other institutions. Its purpose is to contribute to graduate training by creating a platform where students can discuss their current research.

15/16-06-2023, CEIC Workshop on Conceptual Engineering, "Changing the subject" and Continuity of Communication and Inquiry.

The aim of this workshop is to gather international scholars to discuss as-of-yet underexplored aspects of the relation between conceptual engineering, subject-matter and communication.

21-03-2023 to 27-06-2023, Conceptual Engineering Lecture Series - Spring season 2022-2023.

Series of eight online-lectures by international academics, on conceptual engineering and its interdisciplinary connections [Co-organizer]. For more info: https://www.conceptualengineering.xyz/event 

27-09-2022 to 20-12-2022, Conceptual Engineering Lecture Series - Fall season 2022-2023.

Series of seven online-lectures by international academics, on conceptual engineering and its interdisciplinary connections [Co-organizer]. For more info: https://www.conceptualengineering.xyz/event 

Teaching and training

27-07-2023. One-day teaching session at the ENLIGHT Summer School "Blurred Meanings in Law, Regulations, Guidelines", University of Tartu, Estonia.

Session title: "Conceptual engineering: Distributing Concepts".

25/26-01-2023. Guest lectures within Matti Eklund's course "Conceptual Engineering" (master students) at Uppsala University.

Lectures titles: "Carnap and Strawson", "Sameness of Topic".