Virtual Exhibit Online

The exhibit is linked below. It will take some time to load--please be patient as hundreds of works of marvelous artwork are hung on the virtual walls right before your eyes! Once the exhibit has loaded, here are a few recommendations:

Start your viewing experience by watching the guided tour (press the 'play' arrow near the bottom of the screen). This will move you through all of the different galleries and give a general overview of the exhibit. You can pause or leave the tour at any time but it will run on its own if you let it. The tour takes approximately 8 minutes.

To virtually stroll through the exhibit, you have some options. You can point and click to a spot on the floor and you will move to that spot, or you can use your keyboard to navigate (this is surprisingly easier than pointing and clicking!) Arrow keys will let you move forwards, backwards, left and right, but the W, S, A, D, Q, and E keys allow you to pivot your view and move forwards, backwards, left and right.

A compact version of the exhibit is embedded below. To view in full screen, please select the link above. If you have any trouble loading the exhibit, try a different browser or the App.