View Exhibit through Artsteps App

How to View the CEHS Student Art Exhibit through the Artsteps App:

A free App available for iOS & Android

2. Search for 'CEHS'

Find the CEHS Art Exhibit by using the search feature within the App

3. Watch/Watch in VR

Choose your viewing experience!

Start your viewing experience by watching the guided tour (press the 'play' arrow near the top of the screen). This will move you through all of the different galleries and give a general overview of the exhibit. You can pause or leave the tour at any time but it will run on its own if you let it. The tour takes approximately 8 minutes.

To virtually stroll through the exhibit, you have some options. If you have selected 'Watch', toggle the footprints icon to move and the eyeball icon to change your vantage point.

When watching in VR, a white dot is your selector. Point and hold it on any work of art to both navigate towards it and activate a fly-out information label. You can also point and hold to a spot on the floor and a repeating trail of dots will appear and lead you to that spot.