
Articles by topic

Growth (with and without inequality)

Urbanization and the onset of modern economic growth, with Liam Brunt. The Economic Journal  2022.

Constitutional Rules as Determinants of Social Infrastructure, with Theo Eicher and David J. Kuenzel, Journal of Macroeconomics 2018. 

Les inégalités dans les modèles macroéconomiques, Revue de l’OFCE, 2017.

Income Inequality, Mobility and the Accumulation of Capital, with Stephen Turnovsky,  Macroeconomic Dynamics 2015.

Political versus Economic Institutions in the Growth Process, with Emmanuel Flachaire and Maty Konte,  Journal of Comparative Economics 2014. 

Taxation and Income Distribution Dynamics in a Neoclassical Growth Model, with Stephen Turnovsky. Journal of Money, Banking and Credit 2011. 

Income distribution, economic growth and European IntegrationJournal of Economic Inequality 2010. 

Education, Corruption and the Distribution of Income, with T. Eicher and T. van Ypersele.  Journal of Economic Growth 2009. 

The Dynamics of Wealth Inequality in a Simple Ramsey Model: A Note on the Role of Production Flexibility, with Stephen Turnovsky. Macroeconomic Dynamics 2009. 

Consumption Externalities: A Representative Consumer Model when Agents are Heterogeneous, with Stephen Turnovsky.  Economic Theory 2008. 

Redistribution and Entrepreneurship with Schumpeterian Growth, with J-F Wen Journal of Economic Growth 2008. 

Endogenous strength of intellectual property rights: Implications for economic development and growth, with Theo Eicher. European Economic Review 2008. 

Distributional Dynamics in a Neoclassical Growth Model:  The Role of Elastic Labor Supply, with Stephen Turnovsky,  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 2008. 

Growth, Inequality, and Fiscal Policy with Endogenous Labor Supply: What are the Relevant Tradeoffs?, with Stephen Turnovsky,  Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2007. 

Growth and Income Inequality: A Canonical Model, with S. Turnovsky,  Economic Theory 2006. 

How do Institutions Lead Some Countries to Produce So Much More Output than Others?, with T. Eicher and U. Teksoz. In T. Eicher and C. García-Peñalosa (eds.) Institutions, Development and Economic Growth, 2006. 

Income Inequality and Macroeconomic Volatility: An Empirical Investigation, with R. Breen ,  Review of Development Economics  2005. 

Second-Best Optimal Taxation in a Developing Economy, with S. Turnovsky, Journal of Public Economics 2005. 

Production Risk and the Functional Distribution of Income in a Growing Economy, with S. Turnovsky,  Journal of Development Economics,  2005. 

The Personal Distribution of Income in a Stochastic Growth Model, with Stephen Turnovsky. In N. Salvadori (ed.), Economic Growth and Distribution : On the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nation, Edgar Allen, 2006. 

Knowledge and Development: A Schumpeterian Approach, with P. Aghion and P. Howitt, in S. Dowrick, R. Pitchford, and S.J. Turnovsky (eds.), Growth and Macroeconomic Dynamics: Some Recent Developments,  Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Distribution and Policy in the New Growth Literature, in N. Salvadori (ed.), Old and New Growth Theories: An Assessment , Edgar Allen, 2003. 

Inequality and Growth: The Dual Role of Human capital in Development, with Theo Eicher. Journal of Development Economics 2001.  

Status Effects and Negative Utility Growth, with Ben Cooper and Peter Funk. Economic Journal, 2001. 

Inequality and Growth: the Perspective of the New Growth Theories, with Philippe Aghion and Eve Caroli. Journal of Economic Literature, 1999. 

The Paradox of Education or the Good Side of Inequality,   Oxford Economic Papers, 1995. 

Inequality and growth: a note on recent theoriesInvestigaciones Economicas, 1994. 

Income inequality and mobility

Can workers still climb the social ladder as middling jobs become scarce? Evidence from two British cohorts, with Fabien Petit and Tanguy van Ypersele. Labour Economics, 2023.

Replication package available here 

Are changes in the dispersion of hours worked a cause of increased earnings inequality?, with Daniele Checchi and Lara Vivian, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2016. 

Factor components of inequality: A cross-country study, with Elsa Orgiazzi, Review of Income and Wealth 2013. 

Labour Market institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD, with Daniele Checchi. Economica, 2010. 

Labour Market Institutions and Income Inequality , with Daniele Checchi. Economic Policy, 2008. 

The Personal and the Factor Distributions of Income in a Cross-Section of Countries, with E. Daudey,  Journal of Development Studies 2007. 

Risk and the Distribution of Human Capital, with D. Checchi. Economics Letters, 2004. 

Wage Inequality and the Effort incentive Effects of Technical Change, with C. Leith and C.W. Li, in T. Eicher and S.J. Turnovsky (eds.), Distribution and Growth: Issues and Policy Implications, MIT Press, 2003. 

Risk Aversion and Rising Wage Inequality, with Eve Caroli. Economics Letters, 2002. 

Efficiency and Equity Effects of Education Subsidies, with Klaus Wälde. Oxford Economic Papers, 2000. 

Gender inequality

Interactions amongst gender norms: Evidence from US couples, with Estefanía Galván Galán, forthcoming Scottish Journal of Political Economy 2024.

The changing nature of gender selection into employment over the Great Recession, with Juan J. Dolado and Linas Tarasonis, Economic Policy 2020. 

Gender and Promotions: Evidence from Academic Economists in France, with Clément Bosquet and Pierre-Philippe Combes. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2019.  

Why are women less democratic than men? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, with Maty Konte, World Development 2014. 

On gender gaps and self-fulfilling expectations: Theory, policies and some empirical evidence, with Juan J Dolado and Sara de la Rica,  Economic Inquiry 2013. 

Bayesian Learning and Gender Segregation, with R. Breen, Journal of Labor Economics, 2002.