General public and policy papers

Policy papers for the Conseil d'Analyse Economique

Réduire les inégalités de salaires entre femmes et hommes, note du CAE no 17, with Antoine Bozio and Brigitte Dormont

Redresser la croissance potentielle de la France, note du CAE no 16, with Patrick Artus et Pierre Mohnen

Fiscalité des revenus du capital, note du CAE no 9, with Patrick Artus and Antoine Bozio 

Dynamique des salaires par temps de crise, note du CAE no 5, with Philippe Askenazy and Antoine Bozio

European Economy Advisory Group Reports

EEAG Report 2022: Economic Policy for the Next Decade: A Changed Role of Government?, with T.M. Andersen, G. Bertola, C. Fuest, H. James, J.-E. Sturm.

EEAG Report 2021: Investing for a Viable Future, with T.M. Andersen, G. Bertola, C. Fuest, H. James, J.-E. Sturm, B. Uroševic.

EEAG Report 2020: Fair Taxation in a Mobile World, with T.M. Andersen, G. Bertola, C. Fuest, H. James, J.-E. Sturm, B. Uroševic.

Some general public articles on my research

To understand earnings inequality, we need to study hours inequality, with Daniele Checchi

Trends and inequality in lifetime earnings in France with Bertrand Garbinti, Vladimir Pecheu and Frédérique Savignac

Explaining the narrowing of the gender gap in lifetime earnings with Bertrand Garbinti, Vladimir Pecheu and Frédérique Savignac

The geography of gender wage gaps (in Spanish) with Christian Schluter and Kenza Elass