How do I revise for GCSE Geography? 

Which revision guide is best

We recommend that you have a GCSE Geography revision guide to help you with the course.  They are available to buy through MCAS at a reduced rate.  Let your Geography teacher know when you have ordered one.   Please speak to you teacher if you have any concerns about purchasing one. 

If you are given revision guides by siblings/friends, first check that they are for the correct GCSE Specification - they need to be Geography OCR B

This new revision guide (Amazon link here) has recently become available.  It is very detailed and includes lots of useful practice questions and retrieval tasks.  However, it is more expensive and we don't currently stock it in school.  If you think you would use it then we would also recommend this. 

How do I revise for the fieldwork questions? 

As part of your GCSE course you must undertake fieldwork on two occasions in two contrasting locations

Your fieldwork knowledge and skills are assessed in the Unit 1 and Unit 2 papers.  There will be a 15 mark question on each of these papers.  Fieldwork accounts for 15% of your total GCSE Geography mark

To find out what and how to prepare for these questions please see the 'Fieldwork' page on this website. 

How do I revise for the Unit 3 paper

Everything you need to know can be found on the website.  Click here

Geography Revision Channel

Revision worksheets - all topics

Pupil revision worksheets - all topics.pptx