Digital Wise

What is Digital Literacy?

Digital Literacy refers to the ability to read, analyze, write, and communicate using 7 digital literacies.

Literacy is the ability to read and write. Every country around the world is attempting to lower literacy rates since knowledge can only be obtained through words. However, reading and writing aren’t anymore. In the future, reading, analyzing, writing, and communicating using digital technologies will become more important.

Human knowledge is stored digitally now so that anyone can use it freely. The world provides us the knowledge we need without having to go to a college with an expensive tuition. Not knowing how to use digital technologies refers to not having access to that knowledge. Due to the fact that knowledge grows faster than it did in the past, digital utilization is an essential survival skill for future life.

So far, even though most people have used individually-generated digital technology and consumed digital data, information, and content unilaterally and passively through digital media, they still need to be able to replicate and share digital technologies, data, information, and content through digital media between consumer and producer. We need to be able to identify ourselves within the digital universe of false information, and to judge for ourselves regarding someone else’s claims.

In addition to ability, quality is also important. ‘Digital utilization’ should not be overused to the point of addiction or be used to harm others. You need self-discipline, a sense of community, and proper ability to use digital skills to benefit others.

The purpose of Digital Literacy Training

The goal of education is to use digital technology to communicate with people, to converge thoughts, and to find ways to solve problems creativity.

The goal of Digital Literacy education is not just to teach the skills required to handle digital technology. Digital technology is a good tool, but if it is aimed solely at technology education, it can create a lot of problems. Therefore, the goal of digital literacy education is to use it wisely in ways such as communicating with others, converging thoughts, and solving problems.

The digital and analog realms both have complexities. They dislike each other but try to cope one another. However, the best digital technology utilizes a combination of analog sensibility and functionality. When digital learns the analog spirit, and vice versa, the ability to solve problems can become even greater and the world can be more beautiful through a harmony of the two.

(Ways)          Utilize digital technology, information, content, & media 

(Target 1)     converge thoughts, communicate, find various answers. 

             Develop 'digital talents' who solve problems creatively.

(Target 2)     Have the empathy and personality needed to help the world. 

                           Become a ‘digital humanitarian’.

Digital Literacy Training System

After the Industrial Revolution, businesses grew and required extensive manpower. Numerous schools have sprang up, because human resources had to be produced quickly and efficiently. Over the next 200 years, a form of education was established as a 'teaching method'. This type of education contributed greatly to the development of the nation and its businesses so far, but not anymore. In the past, talented people were the ones who correctly wrote down the answers, but in the future, people who can find the answers efficiently will be the talented ones. People need to think critically, come up with creative alternatives, and collaborate to solve problems. Changes in education are needed.

Digital Literacy education is comprised of a combination of a 'topic' and 'digital tools'. If the education only dealt with the ‘topic’, it could end up being either boring or abstract. On the other hand, if the lessons only involved ‘digital tools’, it could be interesting but would lack content. 'Digital tools' should be used to make 'topics' more fun and learning more effective, and to create products related to ‘topics’ so they can be utilized.

Education through digital literature is not the way someone unilaterally teaches, but the way someone learns for themselves. Digital Literacy education works in conjunction with a STCPR method.

Metaverse era

Metaverse changes the way people live and educate.

CDL defines metaverse as "A virtual world fused with reality, where one can perform all human activities through avatars or VR videos." Many people still view the metaverse as a curiosity, but by 2030, most human activities will be carried out in it. It is a world that is closely connected to reality, and it develops to a point where it is difficult to tell the difference between the real world and the virtual world. Due to the development of input/output and editing technology of 360-degree cameras and network technology, digital live-action will be realized on the metaverse in the future, similar to seeing a real person through video. It can therefore be difficult to distinguish it from reality.

There will soon be a world where everyone can go to school in the metaverse, spend time with their friends, and earn money. As smartphones have changed humanity's lives, the metaverse will do the same for the world. It is time to learn how to live in the metaverse era. Future generations need to be nurtured in new ways.

Metaverse literacy for talents in the metaverse era

Metaverse literacy, digital literacy that future talents should have in the metaverse era!

Digital literacy has become even more crucial in the metaverse era. In the metaverse world, digital literacy is not the only skill required but also digital technology-related problem-solving skills. Additionally, digital literacy is necessary since one can only live as an avatar and act as a multi-self.

If digital literacy education had been implemented along with the spread of the internet, many things would have changed, from people's ability to use the internet to an ethical awareness of using it healthily. In the metaverse era, called the second internet, we must not repeat the trial and error we did when the internet era arrived. Before the full-scale metaverse era begins, we must ensure that sufficient digital and metaverse-specific literacy education should be provided.

In contrast to the past, if we prepare well for the metaverse era and prepare for problems, we can reduce the negative aspects of the metaverse and increase the positive aspects. For this reason, CDL has defined 'metaverse literacy' as the digital literacy that future talent should possess in the metaverse era.

Metaverse literacy is "The ability to communicate with the world and achieve what you want in a Metaverse based on inner health."