We know the importance of taking care of our child’s physical health, but mental health also plays a major role in their overall well-being. It is the foundation for how all of us feel, think, and interact with others. Being mentally healthy means we have more skills and supports in place to manage stress and to cope with difficult situations. Being mentally healthy does not always make life easier, but it does make children stronger. Positive mental health allows children to be more resilient and able to adapt when difficult situations arise.

Fortunately, there are many ways to take care of your child’s mental health. These include:

  • Finding activities with your child that can reduce their stress. While everyone is different, it is important that we find activities that help all of us reduce and manage stress. There are many excellent resources online to explore and find what works for you and your child. A few ideas to get you and your child started are:

    • Take a long walk outside;

    • Help them start a list of things they are grateful for;

    • Assist them in learn how to meditate;

    • Listen to their favorite music and either dance wildly or just listen to the notes;

    • Help them cook and enjoy a delicious meal; and

    • Encourage them to perform a random act of kindness,

  • Spending time with people they care about. While connecting in person with some of the special people in your life may not be possible, there are many ways for children and youth to connect. Design and send a special “I’m thinking of you card” for important people in their lives. Help your child talk to them by phone, start a video call so they can see each other, or unwind together by playing a game online. If you have more than one child, try to spend a little one-on-one time with each child if possible. We are social by nature and enjoying a positive connection can be the boost we need.

  • Teach your children how to take care of their physical health. There are many small things you can do to build better habits. Together, create a list of fun and free physical activities and do them. With your child, try a yoga class in-person or online. Teach your child how to cook simple and healthy food for meals and snacks. Eating too much sugar can have harmful effects on our bodies and our minds. Limit how much sugar you and your child eat. Drink lots of water! Water is important for our physical and mental health.

Mental Health_Infographic_What parents can do.pdf


Helping Kids Through COVID-19 and Beyond

Every day presents new challenges to the mental health and well-being of children. #WeThriveInside is bringing the Child Mind Institute’s innovative telehealth, inspiring videos and online resources to families no matter where they are.

Additional Resources

Mental Health_101_for parents.pdf

Activity Workbooks

Can either be printed or converted to jpeg or png so that it can be completed digitally :)
Mental Health Activity Book_Young Kids.pdf
Mental Health Activity Book_older kids.pdf