Extra-Curricular Sport Timeframes Policy

The pressure on a small number of elite students to compete in multiple disciplines is a real issue at Cornerstone. While we encourage a range of pursuits, when it is at elite level, we put a lot of mental and physical pressure on our students that could be detrimental to their future enjoyment and/or welfare. This policy is so that everybody is on the same page when it comes to participating in senior team sports at Cornerstone.

1. Winter Sports season is Term 2/3

2. Summer Sports seasons are Terms 4 and 1

3. Senior A team students are expected to attend up to 2 senior sport trainings plus 1 game day per week during the season. If playing more than one senior sport, some leniency should be applied, which is negotiable between coaches.

4. If a student doesn’t train there needs to be a valid excuse or they don’t play or half game.

5. Students may also participate in a fitness training each week.

6. Pre-season training for the season may happen for each sport, but where a student is already committed to an “other-season” event, they may only participate once a week.

7. The two weeks before seasonal tournament, only that sport should be expected to practice.

8. Post tournament (end of season) focus can then turn to the next seasons sport.