Management Plan

Management Plan

The ultimate goal of the management plan is to help support a native habitat that promotes and encourages the growth of a diverse native habitat.  Methods at this point primarily include mechanical removal of invasive species.  This is a long term approach.  Any fight against invasive species can be seen as a marathon as opposed to a sprint.  The hope is to help tip the scales in favor of our native plants.  Students, community, and staff will continue to work on invasive pulls, while continually reintroducing seeds and plant plugs in an effort to promote diversity in this habitat.

Past Action Steps

Fall 2023- Cutting down of invasives (Black Locust, Staghorn Sumac) from Central and North Prairie; Collection of Big Blue Stem, Milkweed, Butterfly Milkweed, Indian Grass, Gray Headed Coneflower, Bee Balm, Little Blue Stem;  Treating of 2 plots in North Prairie and then subsequent seeding of the area with Big Blue Stem, Milkweed, Butterfly Milkweed, Indian Grass, Gray Headed Coneflower, Bee Balm, Little Blue Stem

Summer 2023- Continued mowing of trails in habitat.

Spring 2023- Cutting down of invasives (Black Locust, Staghorn Sumac) from Central and North Prairie; Planted 7 plots in West Prairie with Pollinator Partnership seed award.

Winter 2023- Cutting down of invasives (Black Locust, Staghorn Sumac) from Central and North Prairie; Awarded Pollinator Partnership grant for native prairie seeds.

Fall 2022- Treating of 7 plots in West Prairie and then subsequent seeding of the area with Big Blue Stem, Milkweed, Butterfly Milkweed, Indian Grass, Gray Headed Coneflower, Bee Balm, Little Blue Stem

Summer 2022- Season long watering of Project Wingspan Swamp Milkweed plugs

Spring 2022- Awarded Project Wingspan Grant of Swamp Milkweed plugs, planted in North Prairie

Winter 2022- Environmental Science class students and Environmental Club members cutting invasive species: Black Locust and Staghorn Sumac

Winter 2022- Seeding of 8 test plots by CHS students in Environmental Science class with seeds collected in class

Fall 2022- CCS Grounds Department treating 8 test plots to rid them of invasive species

Fall 2022- Collection of Native Seeds with students from Environmental Science Class (Big Blue Stem, Little Blue Stem, Common Milkweed, Butterfly Milkweed, Bee Balm, Purple Coneflower, Gray Headed Coneflower, Indian Grass, Canada Wild Rye

Summer 2022- Mowing of trails 

Summer 2022- Removal of Purple Loosestrife from Central Prairie Plot wetland

Summer/Fall 2022- Watering of  Project Pollinators Plugs- Swamp Milkweed Plants

June 2022- Brush-hog

Spring 2022- Awarding of Project Pollinators Swamp Milkweed Plants, 50+ plants planted by CHS Environmental Science Students

Winter 2022- Environmental Club cutting of shrubs in prairie habitat

Fall 2021- Apply for Project Pollinators Swamp Milkweed Plant Program

Winter/Spring 2022- Growing of milkweed seeds in class

Fall 2021- In class-milkweed seed stratification

Fall 2021- Environmental Science Class Site Preparation and Plantings of 3 plots

Fall 2021- Environmental Science Class seed collection

5/21-8/21 Mowing Trails in Prairie

6/10/21 Brush Hogging

4/18/21 Environmental Club Planting of Seeds (Big Blue Stem, Little Bluestem, Common Milkweed, Gray Headed Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Bee Balm

11/9/20 Class Planting of Seeds collected from 9/14 in invasive dominated areas.

11/8/20 Mowing Trails in Prairie

9/14/20 Class Collection of Seeds from Gray Headed Coneflower, Common Milkweed, Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem

8/10/20 Mowing Trails in Prairie

7/14/20 Mowing Trails in Prairie

7/1/20 Mowing Trails in Prairie

6/23/20 Mowing Trails in Prairie

6/17/20 Mowing Trails in Prairie

6/14/20 Planting of Gray Headed Coneflower, Indian Grass, and Bee Baum in the west end of the North Prairie

6/12/20 Mowing Trails in Prairie

6/9/20 Brush Hogging

6/5/20 Removal of Stumps in in preparation for Brush Hog

5/29/20 Removal of Stumps in in preparation for Brush Hog

3/20 Removal of Sumac in Central and North Prairie

1/30/20 Environmental Club starts growing Indian Grass, Big Bluestem, and Gray Headed Coneflower plants by seed

10/10/19, Seed Collection- Environmental Science Class collected seeds from Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem, Gray Headed Coneflower, Indian Grass

10/9/19-Queen Anne's Lace and Sumac Suppression- Environmental Science Class removed these species from Central Prairie Plot

10/1/19 Cutting Saplings- Cottonwoods from HS Prairie Habitat

9/14/19 Environmental Club- Purple Loosestrife and Queen Anne's Lace removal from KMMS wetland

9/11/19- Purple Loosestrife removal by Environmental Science Class from South Campus wetland

9/6/19 Purple Loosestrife removal by Environmental Science Class from KMMS wetland

8/8/19 Invasive Removal from HS South Prairie Plot, removed Reed Canary Grass, Sweet Clover, Bull Thistle, Spotted Knapweed

7/18 Prairie Hike for Community

7/17/19 Invasive Removal From HS Central Prairie Plot- removed spotted knappweed and white/yellow sweet clover

7/16/19 Invasive Removal From HS Central Prairie Plot-Late July- removed spotted knappweed and white/yellow sweet clover

6/4/19 Planting of 30 Common Milkweed Plants by Environmental Club that were raised by seed in CHS greenhouse.

5/21/19 Plant Pheasants Forever Seed Mix as an Environmental Science Class

Native Habitat

School Board Presentation