
Color (ARTS 1020) Color is visible energy. As such, its effective use is essential in practically all aspects of art and design. This course presents an introduction to basic color theory and composition. Students develop a keen understanding of color systems and harmonies and explore practical applications of these theories through a variety of creative studio assignments.

Instructor: Janet Warner

Instructor: Brooke Doherty

Instructor: Kara Dunne

Abstract Transparency Painting

After some working experience with gouache and playing with both value and saturation, the students were asked to demonstrate their understanding of color interaction and at the same time try out for the first time how the transparent quality of gouache can add to the overall composition.

Color Relationships Painting

The focus of this project was to apply correct value in color. Students chose a complex object and “zoomed in” on it for their repeat design. They first painted this design in accurate grayscale values. Choosing from a variety of color schemes introduced in class, the students then translated their greyscale design into three different color versions.

Water Glass Study

A retinal painting exercise where the students observed and rendered the effects of a water glass on two different colored papers.

Swirly Room

With newly acquired practice in mixing tonal progressions, the students demonstrated their knowledge of color transition to give the illusion of depth in a complex space.

Atmospheric Perspective

After learning about saturation and practice from mixing chromatic greys and muted colors, students applied this knowledge to their nature study demonstrating atmospheric perspective.