Meet Your
WPCC Career Coach

Jessica Reed → WPCC Career Coach

Freedom High School & Burke Middle College

WPCC Office E-111

FHS Front Office (Across the hall from Gear Up)
Tues & Thurs 8:15-3:15, & Fridays 8:15-12:30

What is CCP?

Career & College
Promise (CCP)

CCP offers NC high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn tuition free college credits while still in high school. Through this program WPCC provides many college transfer pathways and career technical education pathways that help students jump start their college and careers, while providing huge educational savings to families.

When do high school students typically start the CCP registration process?

  • Contact your Career Coach in early October to start the paperwork for spring classes & March for summer & fall classes.

  • Current juniors and seniors are eligible to take classes (rising juniors typically start registering for CCP classes in the spring of their 10th grade year & start classes in the fall of their junior year.)

  • Once a student completes the CCP application they won't need to complete another one, but each semester a new registration form needs to be completed in order for a student to register for classes.

Do you find CCP Puzzling? This CCP Guide can help you piece it all together!