Country Coordinating Mechanism 

Papua New Guinea


The mandate of the CCM is to discuss, approve and submit viable and appropriate proposals to the Global Fund, and to monitor, evaluate and support the implementation of projects that are initiated by the CCM and financed by the Global Fund.


The CCM has the following responsibilities:

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Quarter 2 - Apr to Jun 2024

Quarter 1 - Jan to March 2024

PNG CCM Updates January to April 2024

Window 5 Submission - Deadline 29 April 2024

29 April 2024

PNG recently submitted to Global Fund the TB HIV Funding Request Proposal Application (GC7) for 2025-2026.

Submission of Grants approved by the Global Fund 

23 November 2023 

Global Fund Board approval: PNG-M-RAM for the 2024-2026 implementation cycle.

20 December 2023

Global Fund Board approval: PNG TB/HIV grant extension for 2024 

GF approval: C19RM reprogramming request

The Global Fund Board has approved the grant extension for the TB/HIV grant (PNG-C-WV) for 2024 and the Global Fund Secretariat has approved the C19RM reinvestment of savings. 


PNG CCM Update March to April  2023

Lady Roslyn Morauta is now Chair of Global Fund Board

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria announced its Board has selected Lady Roslyn Morauta as Chair and Bience Gawanas as Vice-Chair, bringing two women with an exceptional level of leadership and international expertise to the governance of the Global Fund.  [Read more]

Malaria Proposal Submitted to Global Fund

The Malaria Proposal was successfully submitted to Global Fund on 20th March 2023. It has been a teamwork with support from PNG CCM Members under the leadership of CCM Co Chairs Dr Osborne Liko and Dr Sevil HUSEYNOVA, PNG CCM Oversight Committee through strong leadership from Chairs Mr. Ken Wai and Ms. Elva Lionel, NDOH Malaria Technical Team, and all other partners including current Principal Recipient Rotarians Against Malaria.