Christophe Charlier

I am a postdoc in the department of mathematics at Lund University. My research focuses on random matrix theory, integrable partial differential equations and tiling models. 

E-mail: christophe.charlier(at)

Address: Centre for Mathematical Sciences, 

                        Sölvegatan 18 

                        SE-22100 Lund 

Researcher ID : ORCID ID 


Collaborators: Yacin Ameur (6), Max Atkin, Elliot Blackstone (4), Sung-Soo Byun (2), Tom Claeys (5), Joakim Cronvall (5), Alfredo Deaño, Antoine Doeraene, Maurice Duits, Benjamin Fahs, Roozbeh Gharakhloo, Arno Kuijlaars, Jonatan Lenells (23), Julian Mauersberger (2), Philippe Moreillon (2), Giulio Ruzza, Dengshan Wang, Christian Webb, Mo Dick Wong, Stefan Zohren.

Last update: 10/03/2024