Kitchen Table History with Plants

A series of workshops and conversations about plants, people, and history as we create a community of history practice. Where do we find history? How can we read different types of objects to learn about the past? How do these objects help us to tell a story - a history - and what do those stories mean in the present? In this offering, we're loosely focusing on histories and objects relating to plants.

Community Cohost: Macey Flood with Emily Beck

More details:
This offering is part seminar, part workshop, part practice community. For each seminar date, facilitators will share one or two short pieces about the practice of history and a digitized version of one or more of these historical materials – recipes, photographs, textiles, and such. Then, we'll meet to talk about them: what we’ve read, the materials we've looked at, and how these relate to a personal or community history practice. Along the way, we'll share bits of what we've picked up about useful resources and methodologies. We welcome participants to share their own skills, questions, curiosity, and delight.

When: 6 Mondays, Nov 14, 21, and 28, Dec 5 12 19


Presentation style: Remote/Zoom

Suggested donation: sliding, $60-180 for the whole session.* All proceeds go towards the Cultural Wellness Center's capital campaign. Nobody turned away for lack of funds. If you need another arrangement, please get in touch and let's figure something out.

*Because of the power of sustained conversations, we prefer that participants commit to coming for the whole six-week session (as best as folks are able), instead of opting in for only one or more sessions. That said, if you can't make six weeks happen but you really want to be involved - get in touch!

Instructor Bios:
Macey Flood is a historian and health humanist, currently working as a postdoc in public history with Boston University's Center for Antiracist Research and the National Archives Foundation.

Emily Beck is a medical historian by training and a rare books curator by trade. She currently works as assistant curator at the Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine [WHL] at the University of Minnesota.

For the last eight years or so, Macey and Emily have collaborated with each other and with others - historians, creative writers, herbalists, restorationists, activists, gardeners, teachers, artists, path-makers, and so many others - to facilitate conversations and workshops about plants and people and history. Currently, they're collaborating on an oral history and life story project on some of the many incredible "plant people" living in these Dakota and Anishinaabe territories also called Minnesota.

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Cash for Culture Goal: $1200