
Our Projects

The Virtual Reality Oracle (VRO) will draw on the ancient question tablets from the oracle of Zeus at Dodona, NW Greece, to develop a VR experience of consulting the oracle, based on stories about individual visitors. Can the cognitive and sensory responses of individual users of the VRO enhance the design of immersive VR experiences, particularly for cultural, heritage, educational and academic audiences?

OPEN -- the Online Participant Engagement Network (OPEN) for Vision Impairment Research. An international network dedicated to creating connections between people with visual impairments and researchers of vision impairment.


"My PhD research involves experimenting with how we can perceive spatial information through devices that convert vision into touch or sound sensations, with the aim to improve the access to different sports for people with visual impairments. I’m also interested in multisensory perception, workplace productivity, and accessible gaming."

"My research focuses on neural representations of visual imagery and perception. More specifically, I am interested in decoding the visual contents of a person’s visual imagery and visual perception based on their neural activity. This is with the aim of developing an EEG based brain-computer-interface."