A collective approach to cognition
We are a collective of interdisciplinary and international teams conducting collaborative research on cognition using a variety of approaches, such as:
Cross-cultural comparisons
Evolutionary neuroanatomy
Phylogenetic comparative methods
Sensory substitution
Virtual and augmented reality
Alexandra A. de Sousa, Ph.D.
Evolutionary Neuroscience
Bath Spa University
Michael J. Proulx, Ph.D.
Cognition and Technology
University of Bath
Online Laboratory
Below are some studies we would like you to participate in. Thank you!
Describe tactile images blindfolded through touch, or through sight:
https://bathpsychology.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4IvKFeQmLdxfwZ8. To participate in person, please email kp421@bath.ac.uk
EEG study of multisensory perception and imagination:
We measure your neural activity whilst you do imagination tasks. This study takes place at the University of Bath and involves 1-3 separate experiment sessions. For more information, please contact hlw69@bath.ac.uk. To participate, book yourself in using this doodle calendar: https://doodle.com/bp/hollywilson/eeg-study.
Body image and social media use has on visually impaired and sighted individuals:
Primary Researcher: Olivia Churchill
Research into differences in personality and behaviour in light of COVID-19:
Primary Researcher: Christine Dunn
Research into imagination, person perception, and face perception among Chinese university students in the UK:
Primary Researcher: Lingxue Jiang
Research into proximity and the effect it has on mate preferences with people in relationships:
Primary Researcher: Dominic Lucas
Research into sex and social isolation and the effect it has on mater preferences:
Primary Researcher: Emily Chappell https://bathspa.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/matepreference_sex_socialisolation
Motor skill acquisition and digital agents (Learn to Dance): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1awo9IVw-jbYnbMmPQcGfU0dGXUdPe5WJPDlbWw5BPa8/edit
Visual-Haptic Cueing and Dominance in Virtual Reality:
Respond to objects appearing in your virtual hands (Oculus Quest 2). 20-30 minute duration, location flexible. Contact jmehh20@bath.ac.uk for more details!
A "crossmodal cognition" web page should not just appeal to a single sense, so here we have a collaborator's conception of what our approach to cognition and evolutionary neuroscience might sound like! It is accompanied by a visualisation that provides a synaesthetic-like experience of sound and sight.