
My research is spanned by three partially-overlapping dimensions:

I use a variety of quantitative tools from traditional methods in dynamical systems to more recent tools in machine learning. 

dynamical systems

machine learning

statistical modeling

Below you can find a non-exhaustive list of my research interests.

Evolution of neural dynamics over learning

Neural circuits perform complex tasks through recurrently generated dynamics. How do these dynamic modes evolve over the course of learning, and how can we identify these changes from data recorded over learning?

Related publications:

Dimensionality reduction
and neural manifolds

Neural manifolds reflect task-relevant information that is often not visible in single-neuron activity. How can we develop new dimensionality reduction methods that extend the classic view that task-relevant information is embedded in low-dimensional neural subspaces while remaining (mathematically) interpretable?

Related publications:

Theories of cerebellar learning

Because of its largely feedforward, relatively homogenous architecture and supervised learning signals, the cerebellar cortex has been hypothesized to perform pattern separation by projecting input patterns into a high-dimensional space, as in a multilayer perceptron. How well do these classic theories fit new experimental data? How can they be extend to understand how the cerebellum learns in coordination with other motor regions?

Related publications:

Learning during complex behaviours

Classic motor learning studies often consider simple behaviors in which variability is constrained as much as possible. But naturalistic behavior is characterized by a combination of spontaneously transitioning motor actions and continuous kinematics. How can we develop new behavioral models that can disentangle these sources of variability to understand the neural control of behavior in complex learning paradigms?

Related publications:

  • A Andrianarivelo, H Stein, J Gabillet, C Batifol, A Jalil, NA Cayco-Gajic, M Graupner. Cerebellar interneuron activity is triggered by reach endpoint during learning of a complex locomotor task. (preprint on biorxiv)
  • H Stein, A Andrianarivelo, J Gabillet, C Batifol, A Jalil, M Graupner, NA Cayco Gajic. The emergence of fixed points in interlimb coordination underlies the learning of stable gaits in mice. (in preparation; see an early version in Heike's Cosyne 2022 talk here)