
FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence

In 2023 I was selected to join the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence.

« Grâce à de continuelles
avancées technologiques,
les neurosciences sont
en perpétuel mouvement »

To mark the occcasion, the ENS newsletter d'Ulm published a portrait of my career, including a Q&A regarding my thoughts on neuroscience and interdisciplinarity. 

Online talks

Discovering learning-induced changes
in neural representations
from large-scale neural data tensors  

Van Vreeswijk Theoretical Neuroscience Seminar

January 2024

Neuromatch Academy

In 2020 I made a series of dimensionality reduction tutorials for Neuromatch Academy.  Here's the first tutorial video in the series. You can find the rest of them, as well as the Q&A section from the discussion, on Youtube.

Podcast interviews

Creativity For All

In 2022 I was interviewed by Caroline Jestaz on creativity in neuroscience and  in scientific research more broadly.

Free Range

In 2021 I was interviewed by Mike Livermore on my research in neuroscience and interests in embodied cognition.

Unsupervised Thinking Podcast

In 2018-2019 I participated in several episodes of Unsupervised Thinking, a great podcast on computational neuroscience which was run by Grace Lindsay (now sadly discontinued so she could focus on her excellent book).