
Causal Relata

Daniel Hausman, "Probabilistic Causality and Causal Generalizations"

Jonathan Schaffer, "Contrastive Causation"

Chris Hitchcock, "A Mishap at Reichenbach Fall: Singular Versus General Causation"

Jonathan Schaffer, "The Metaphysics of Causation"

Causation and Continuity

Taylor, Richard: “Can a Cause Precede its Effect”

Marc Lange: “How Can Instantaneous Velocity Fulfill its Causal Role”

Kenny Easwaran: “Why Physics Uses only Second Derivatives”

Marcel Weber: “On the incompatibility of Dynamical Biological Mechanisms and Causal Graphs”

Causation in Dynamical Systems

Marcel Weber: “On the incompatibility of Dynamical Biological Mechanisms and Causal Graphs”

Timothy van Gelder: “What might cognition be, if not computation?”

Chemero and Silberstein: “After the Philosophy of Mind: Replacing Scholasticism with Philosophy of Science”

Thermodynamics and Causal Asymmetry

Barry Loewer: “Counterfactuals and the Second Law”

David Albert: Time and Chance

Causation in Quantum Mechanics

Hausman and Woodward: “Independence, Invariance, and the Causal Markov Condition”

Dan Hausman: “Lessons from Quantum Mechanics”

Clark Glymour: “Markov Properties and Quantum Experiments”