Causal Modeling


Spirtes, Glymour, and Scheines: "Causation, Prediction, and Search"

Judea Pearl: "Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference"

Causal Markov - Challenges from Time-Series

Elliott Sober: "Venetian Sea Levels, British Bread Prices, and the Principle of the Common Cause"

Kevin Hoover: "Non-Stationary Time-Series, Cointegration, and the Principle of the Common Cause"

Daniel Steel: "Making Time Stand Still: A Response to Sober's Counterexample to the Principle of the Common Cause"

Kevin Hoover: "The Ontological Status of Shocks and Trends in Macroeconomics"


Hausman and Woodward: "Invariance, Modularity, and the Causal Markov Condition"

Jaakko Kuorikoski: "Mechanisms, Modularity, and Constitutive Explanation"

Causal Discovery (General)

Frederick Eberhardt: "Introduction to the foundations of causal discovery"

Parsimony Principles for Causal Modeling

Holly Andersen: "When to Expect Failures of Faithfulness and Why it Matters"

Spirtes and Zhang: "Detection of Faithfulness and Robust Causal Inference"

Jiji Zhang: "A comparison of three Occam's razors for causal models"

Forster, Raskutti, Stern, Weinberger: "The Frugal Inference of Causal Relations"

Naftali Weinberger: "Faithfulness, Coordination, and Causal Coincidences"

Causal Markov Condition in Quantum Mechanics

Dan Hausman: “Lessons from Quantum Mechanics

Clark Glymour: “Markov Properties and Quantum Experiments

The Econometric Foundations of Causal Modeling

Herbert Simon: "Causal Ordering and Identifiability"

Simon and Rescher: "Cause and Counterfactual"


Ray Briggs: "Interventionist Counterfactuals"

Actual Causation

Chris Hitchcock: "The Intransitivity of Causation Revealed In Equations and Graphs"


Woodward and Hitchcock: "Explanatory generalizations, part 1: a counterfactual account"

Hitchcock and Woodward: "Explanatory Generalizations, part 2: Plumbing Explanatory Depth"


Chalupka, Perona, Eberhardt: "Multi-Level Cause-Effect Systems"

Chapulka, Bischoff, Perona, Eberhardt: "Unsupervised discovery of el nino using causal feature learning on microlevel climate data"

Cosma Shalizi: "What is a Macrostate?"

The Relationship Between the Temporal and Causal Asymmetries

Christian Loew: "The Asymmetry of Counterfactual Dependence"

Mathias Frisch: "'Entropy' Accounts of Causation"