
Software libraries, packages and tools for causal inference.

其他常见工具 other basic tools.

"DoWhy" is a Python library that aims to spark causal thinking and analysis. 从官方教程出发(official tutorial)



Official Tutorial Learning Notes 使用 colab 实际运行官方的例子,进行了简单的总结, 分享地址见 google drive

一种深度概率编程语言, 我们需要详细介绍 Zero to All. 概率图模型是因果理论的三个支柱之一, 而 pyro 是实现概率图模型最好用的工具. In addition to pyro.condition for incorporating observations, Pyro also contains, an implementation of Pearl's do-operator used for causal inference with an identical interface to pyro.condition. condition and do can be mixed and composed freely, making Pyro a powerful tool for model-based causal inference.