Language Intelligence Lab

About Language Intelligence Lab. at Chung-Ang University

We study various problems related to natural language processing (NLP) mainly focusing on language modeling with deep learning/artificial intelligence technologies.

We are actively looking for M.S./Ph.D. students and undergraduate interns who are interested in NLP research. [link]

중앙대학교 AI대학원 언어 인텔리전스 연구실은 현재 자연어처리 분야 연구에 관심있는 석박사과정 학생 및 학부생 인턴(전공무관)을 모집 중에 있습니다. [link]

Our Latest Works


Accepted Papers & Selected Activities

[07/2024] Hwan Chang and Ingeol Baek have joined our lab as Master Student.

[06/2024] Three papers accepted to ACL 2024 Workshop. (2 KnowledgeNLP, 1 LoResMT)

[06/2024] Prof. Hwanhee Lee will serve as an Area Chair at EMNLP 2024.

[05/2024] 11 papers accepted to 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회.

[05/2024] Our lab got a research gift ($20,000) from Adobe Research!

[03/2024] Two papers accepted to NAACL 2024. 

[02/2024] Two papers accepted to COLING 2024. (KoCoSa is the first internal project that will be presented at the major conference!)

[02/2024] Our lab has been selected for the regular recruitment of AI Data Center services. We can use the H100 GPU for research this year!

[01/2024] Prof. Hwanhee Lee will serve as an Area Chair at ACL 2024.

[01/2024] Seojin Hwang and Byeong Jeong Kim have joined our lab as Master Student.

[12/2023] Prof. Hwanhee Lee will serve as an Area Chair at NAACL 2024.

[10/2023] Two papers accepted to EMNLP 2023.

[09/2023] Prof. Hwanhee Lee will serve as an Organizing Committee at IJCNLP-AACL 2023.

[09/2023] Joonho Yang, Jimin Lee, and Gyutae Park have joined our lab as Master Student.

[07/2023] Prof. Hwanhee Lee gave an invited talk at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. [link].

[05/2023] Paper accepted to ACL 2023.

[05/2023] Our lab got a research gift ($8,000) from Adobe Research!

[04/2023] Prof. Hwanhee Lee gave special lectures on "초거대 언어모델 ChatGPT의 작동원리 및 활용방안" at Chung-Ang University.

[03/2023] Prof. Hwanhee Lee has joined the Department of AI, Chung-Ang University as an Assistant Professor.