News & Gallery

Our Lab Member Seungjoo Lee has been awarded the CAU Graduate Research Scholarship. Congratulations!   (2024-07)

Seungjoo Lee will receive a full scholarship for the duration of the Master's/Ph.D. Program. 

The 55th KIEE Summer Conference (2024-07-10~2024-07-13)

스승의 날 (2024-05)

Paper published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2024-05)

New Paper (Corresponding: J.-W. Chang) has been published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid!

J.-Y. Park and J.-W. Chang*, "Novel Autonomous Control of Grid-forming DGs to Realize 100% Renewable Energy Grids," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 28862880, May 2024

Selection for the 5-year research project funded by National Research Foundation of Korea [한국연구재단] (P.I., 2024.04-2029.03)

Title: Implementing Measurement-based Solutions for Hybrid AC/DC Distribution Networks with Converters

Selection for the 3-year research project funded by Korean Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning [한국에너지기술평가원] (참여기관 P.I., 2024.04-2027.03)

Title:Development of operation performance evaluation technology for AC/DC hybrid distribution system

Selection for the research project funded by Korea Electric Power Research Institute [한국전력 전력연구원] (Co-P.I., 2024.04-2025.06)

Topic: Modeling for Analysis on Hybrid AC/DC Distribution Networks

한국전력 (KEPCO) 인재개발원 견학 (2024-04)

With PSL@SNU(Prof: Gyu-Sub Lee) and PCSL@SNU(Prof: Shenghui Cui)

Selection for the 3-year research project funded by Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute [한국전기연구원] (P.I., 2024.02-2026.11)

Title: Power network state estimation with model-free & anti-cyber attack features

Paper has been published in IEEE Access (2024-01)

New Paper (First: J.-W. Chang) has been published in IEEE Access!

J.-W. Chang, J.-Y. Park, and P.-I. Hwang, "Decentralized Secondary Control of DGs for an Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid," IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 35973610, Jan. 2024.

Selection for the research project funded by Korean Institute of Energy Research [한국에너지기술연구원] (P.I., 2023.09-2023.12)

Title: Design of supervisory controller to manage multiple inverters