Introducing our 2022 Catlendar Meowdels

Everymeow is part of the catlendar! Meet our Cutie Kitty Bookmarker Meowdels: Hann, Ambo, Harley, Lokie, Miming Liit, Snowy, Shy, Panda, Peanut, Mr. Gray, Tiger, Tagpi, Sylvester, Sammy, and Pinky 😻

Thank you for supporting this project! Funds will go to our feeding programs, veterinary care, and rehoming our cats 🐾

  • January - Pumpkin

  • February - Shichi

  • March - Zeus

  • April - Tibby

  • May - Bershka

  • June - Tuxie

  • July - Cassie

  • August - Miyu

  • September - Kurogoma

  • October - Cheddar

  • November - Gab

  • December - Parthos

Where we are located

Our cat community is spread throughout the Eton Centris property in Quezon City.