TIYD Basic Information / 國際台青基本資訊

TIYD 2018 Introduction:

Taiwan Youth Day is an organized annual event for the Taiwanese youth. The platform of this youth activity is modeled to the structure and spirit of the World Youth Day and Asian Youth Day – a festive encounter with their fellow youth centered on our Lord Jesus Christ. This is an avenue for the youth to experience for themselves the oneness of faith in the universal church; to journey together through shared experience of faith, love and joy in Jesus, by means of testimony, prayer and sacraments – to deepen their relationship and draw closer to Jesus Christ.

Taiwan Youth Day started in October 2004. In communion with the spirit of the World Youth Day and Asian Youth Day, the Taiwanese youth ministers initiated a gathering for prayer and deepening of faith through the themes of the said international youth days. In addition, it is also an opportunity for those who cannot participate in these major international youth gatherings, to give them glimpse and a feel of a pilgrim spirit – a pilgrimage reflecting the road of the youth is a continuous travel towards our goal, to reach the kingdom of God.

This year, we are making our Taiwan Youth Day so special! Because for the first time, we are gladly inviting to this annual event our brothers and sisters in Asia: East Asia, South and South East Asia. This event will open an avenue for our Taiwanese youth to a broader perspective of cultural, language and faith sharing experiences among Asian contemporaries.

Our theme, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God” (Lk.1:30), we deepen our love to Jesus through Mary. The Taiwanese youth, together with their contemporaries in Asia, will help share and deepen their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ though the perfect example of faith and obedience of Mary, as she courageously and wilfully expressed Her YES to God’s plan – FEAR NOT, JUST BELIEVE!

  • Theme: Fear Not, Just Believe.
  • Biblical verse: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God” (Lk 1:30)
  • Organizer: Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference (Taiwan), Commission for Evangelization, Section for Youth
  • Date: 20th to 27th, 2018
  • Venues:
  1. International Encounter (20th to 23rd): Dili Village and Luona Village, Xinyi Township Nantou County
  2. TIYD/TYD Proper (23rd to 27th): Tuku Township, Yunlin County
  • Registration Fee: US 170 dollars per person, including the transportation from/to airport, accommodation, food and the pilgrim’s kits.
  • Transportation in Taiwan:
  1. Our welcome committee will fetch groups from the airport and also bring them to the airport.
  2. We will also handle the transportation between our events venues.
  • Age of Participants: 16 to 35
  • 主題: Fear Not, Just Believe.
  • 聖經經句:瑪利亞,不要害怕,因為妳在天主前獲得了寵幸。(路一:30)
  • 主辦單位:台灣地區主教團福傳委員會青年組
  • 日期:2018年8月20~27日
  • 地點:
  1. 國際青年交流 (8/20~23): 南投縣信義鄉地利及羅娜堂區 (屬台中教區原住民總鐸區)
  2. 台灣青年日大會(8/23~27): 雲林縣土庫鎮 (屬嘉義教區雲林牧靈區)
  • 報名費:

1. 海外學員:170美金或5,100台幣,包含從機場接送機、八天活動及食宿費用、大會的衣服、手冊及其他紀念品。

2. 台灣學員:2,500台幣,包含交通費(大會將8/20於台中車站附近集合,8/27送到斗南火車站)、八天活動及食宿費用、大會的衣服、手冊及其他紀念品。

  • 對象:16~35歲之青年