Other publications

Moschieri, Ravasi & Huy (2022), ‘Why do some multinational firms respond better than others to the hostility of host governments?’ Journal of Management Studies Insights

Moschieri & Blake (2020) ‘Europe in the shadow of Brexit: Time to rethink company strategy’, Global Voice, June issue

Bertrand, Betschinger, Moschieri (2018), ‘Acquisitions in Emerging Markets: Maximizing the Benefits’, IE Insight

Moschieri & Monteiro (2017) ‘Internationalization: Where and how to invest’, IE Insight

Blake & Moschieri (2017) ‘When foreign firms are no longer welcome’, INSEAD Knowledge

Bertrand, Betschinger, Moschieri (2016) ‘Cross-border M&As into emerging countries’ Harvard Business Review Deusto

Cruz & Moschieri (2015) ‘Luces y sombras en el crecimiento de LEGO’, Harvard Business Review Deusto, 250: 66-74

Moschieri & Monteiro (2014) ‘Qué debería preguntarse antes de decidir internacionalizarse y cómo hacerlo’, Harvard Business Review Deusto, 239: 44-55

Moschieri, Salvaj, Blake (2014) ‘La complejidad del cambio: Como gestionar las desinversiones’, Harvard Business Review Deusto, 231: 32-43

Moschieri, Blake, Reuer (2014), ‘Investment policies, M&A and alliances’, Forbes (India), January 3rd

Moschieri & Mair (2013) ‘Successful Divestitures Need Proper Cultivation’, in Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland III (Ed.), Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage. Irwin/McGraw-Hill (19th edition)

Moschieri & Ragozzino (2012) ‘The Ins And Outs of Using Real Options in Corporate Investments’ Forbes (India), April 9th

Moschieri & Mair (2011) ‘Successful Divestitures Need Proper Cultivation’ IESE Insight, Second Quarter (Spanish version: ‘Cuando vender activos es una estrategia’)

Campa & Moschieri (2008) ‘The European M&A Industry: Trends, Patterns and Shortcomings’, IESE Insight, September

Moschieri & Mair (2008) ‘Research on Corporate Divestitures‘, IESE Insight, September 2008

Campa & Moschieri (2008) ‘The European M&A Industry: Trends, Patterns and Shortcomings’, CIIF WP Series, September

Mair & Moschieri (2006) ‘Unbundling Frees Business for Takeoff’, Financial Times, Mastering Transaction Series, October 20th

Moschieri & Mair (2005) ‘Making Sense of Corporate Unbundling’, IESE Insight, June