Honors and awards

Grants and Research fundings:

  • Sustainability Research Award, IE university 2022 (€2,000)

  • Sustainability Research Award, IE university 2021 (€2,000)

  • The Ministry of Economics of Spain 2020-2023, for ‘Firms’ diversification in the digital economy’ (#PID2019-111422GB-I00, €44,000)

  • SSHRC, Government of Canada, 2018-2021 for ‘Are Foreigners the Better CEOs?’ (#430-2018-01123, co-PI, $64,000)

  • LUISS Business School International Chair, 2018 (€5,000)

  • The Ministry of Economics of Spain 2017, for ‘How do institutional forces shape firms strategic decisions?’ (#ECO2013-45902-P, PI, €32,000)

  • Ramon Areces Foundation 2016-2017 (#CISP15A3194, unique investigator, €36,000)

  • INSEAD, R&D Committee 2016 (co-PI, €6,000)

  • The Ministry of Economics of Spain 2013-2016, for ‘Regional, National, and Supra-National Changes’ (#ECO2013-45902-P, PI, €30,000)

  • The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, for ‘The implementation and structuring of divestitures’ (#PTDC/EGE-GES/110805/2009, principal investigator, 63,000)

  • The Ministry of Economics of Spain 2007, for ‘Competition in Dynamic Markets’ (with Arino & Mair, #SEJ2007-67463/ECON)

  • The Ministry of Economics of Spain 2003, for Corporate Strategy (with Arino & Mair, #SEC2003-09533)


Research fellowship, ATKearney and IESE for a project with Campa, 2007-2008

PhD fellowship, IESE, 2003-2007

PhD fellowship, Government of Catalunya, 2003-2007

Scholarship, Bocconi University, 1995-1996