Catapult King by Wicked Witch Software launched onto iOS today, offering Angry Birds-style destruction with 3D models and a medieval twist. Your goal is to knock down castles that stand between you and a princess that has been captured by a dragon. You change lateral angle, elevation, and force of the catapult, and can get a bit of extra guidance thanks to magic potions that you earn over the course of gameplay or through in-app purchases.

To beat each level, you need to take out all of the guards on a castle, but earn bonus points based on how much destruction you cause, how few boulders you fire from the catapult, and whether your attacks touch the three special gems peppered throughout the map. You can easily survey the whole 3D area simply by tapping and panning about, which is usually necessary for far-away targets and to find hidden objectives. There are a ton of secondary bonuses you can earn from direct hits on soldiers, knocking them out with ricochets, and eliminating targets speedily. Much like Angry Birds, there are also a variety of shots available, such as bombs, splitters, and even lunar storms. Though there are 64 levels to chew through and the unending obsession to three-star all of them, the level scenery doesn't change too much; by and large, you're always doing your catapulting on rolling hills of green at different times of the day, even though the targets change.

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The graphics are very sharp - to the point where I actually found the framerate choppy on the iPhone 4 at times. Still, the models and textures blew Seigecraft, a similar title, right out of the water. The bobble-head art style aims to be cute, but there's just something about those extra-bulgy eyes that's just creepy. The UI was surprisingly efficient, though; upon launching the game, you're just launched right into your most recent level after getting through loading and a short splash screen. You actually have to back out in order to get to stage selection, which is a nice change of pace from having to deal with the usual title screen. Additionally, the restart level button is in the exact same spot as the pause button, making resets kick in with a quick double-tap. I was really impressed with the audio, right from the sound of the crank when change your catapult's angle to the squeaky jeers of the guards.

The title alone pretty much spells out what you'll be doing. Pull back the catapult, aim and release, and try to use your limited shots to knock down structures, killing all the enemies in the process.

Where Catapult King is concerned, the difference is largely visual. It's a full 3D polygon world, and you view it from a first-person view, over the top of your catapult. This may seem like a semantic change, but where this sort of game is concerned, it's actually fundamental to the appeal.

As Christian recently pointed out, sometimes the fun of a game comes from the mechanics, the innate appeal of playing with virtual physics to see what happens. That playfulness is at the core of the fling-things genre. One of the first games we learn to play is knocking over stacks of blocks. It's why most people can't be in a room with a snooker table without absent-mindedly whacking the balls off the cushions, just for fun. That's the itch that Angry Birds scratches, which is why most players seem not to care about the opaque scoring.

Catapult King has similarly opaque scoring, with bronze, silver and gold crowns for each level, augmented with various combinations of gems depending on how many enemies you got in one shot, how much damage you caused and so on. What Catapult King also has is a much more visceral, and much more satisfying, physics model. Sending a ball thundering through a tower, making it slowly crumble onto wooden frames below in an avalanche of stone and splinters, simply feels better in 3D, as the camera follows each shot into the carnage.

Oh, hapless fantasy-themed castle and tower owners. When will you learn it's never a good idea to build structures out of easily-toppled, non-secured materials? You'd think surviving through like Siege Hero and Crush the Castle would have taught someone a lesson, but here again the daft occupants of multiple castles stand, waiting to be toppled to the ground. Catapult King from Wicked Witch Software is the latest in a long and respectable line of physics-based destruction games, this time taking the action to an up-close 3D first person mode so you get the best seat in the house to watch the destruction rain!

The princess is happy and free, prancing atop a verdant hillock. Then a nasty dragon comes along, drops a cage on her, and summons some knights to keep you away. Unfortunately for the fire-breather, you've got a rather spiffy catapult (glorified slingshot, really) capable of lobbing projectiles in a serious way. Tap the loaded rock and pull back, then maneuver the shot so it'll go precisely where you need it to go. Out in the distance sits a stack of crates, boards, stones, bricks, etc., and atop them are some pretty lewd knights who insist on taunting you to no end. Wouldn't it feel great to send them falling to the ground? Well, go for it!

Naturally, these knights aren't so helpless they can't build a tower that won't fall after a few rocks hits it, so as the levels progress, you'll encounter more distant structures, stronger materials, densely-packed layouts, and even some unconventional stages where the knights are spread out over bridges and other horizontal terrain. The goal always remains the same: knock everyone down, taking out as much of their buildings as you can. But you'll have to adjust the catapult's angle as well as utilize one of several visually impressive magic attacks that cause major destruction, all with the tap of your touch screen!

Analysis: The physics-based destruction genre is a highly-competitive one, especially after Angry Birds came along with its pigs and such. Instead of going head-to-head with the rest of the pack, though, Catapult King tacks something new onto the experience with its 3D first person perspective. Sitting behind the catapult, panning, zooming, and rotating the camera, and flying along as the stones damage structures adds a lot of depth to the otherwise flat genre, and words cannot describe how much more exciting it is!

The usual battery of scoring conventions and star rankings are available for stages in Catapult King, allowing you to go back and perfect your destruction to prove your mastery over the game. Being both fast and thorough earns you more treasure and points, but you also get bonuses for things like direct hits or keeping the tower constantly unstable.

As with many big mobile games these days, Catapult King features an in-app purchasing system to supplement gameplay. Fortunately, though, the purchases sit alongside the game perfectly, never forcing you to buy them, and doing nothing but adding to your ultimate enjoyment if you do choose to indulge. Purchases are restricted to magic packs, fortifying your mana pool with more points to cast your apocalyptic-type spells. You don't have to buy anything to beat the game, but it honestly adds a lot of fun to the experience while making some stages far easier to complete.

Catapult King brings something new to the physics castle-toppling genre, and it does it in an exciting, visually awesome sort of way. There's also a nice sense of exploration thanks to the freely-movable camera system. The game is packed with over 60 levels, multiple projectile types, Retina display support, and more levels promised with future updates. It's a free package you really shouldn't refuse, and it's more fun (and less illegal) than taking the catapult out and pummeling weak structures yourself!

En Catapult King t eres la catapulta. Colcala como mejor te convenga, estira la cuerda y lanza la bola contra el castillo para derribar a los soldados. Cada nivel supone un nuevo reto, con una nueva estructura a derribar.

Slingshot Racing ($2.99 - iOS Universal) has a new angle on the racing genre in which you latch on to anchors in order to make your car go around corners. It's set in a steampunk environment and you'll use grappling hooks to make all of your turns, making this arcade racer's focus more about timing than it is steering. At first I found it kind of gimmicky, but after a few rounds of exploring the levels, I realized this game can really get addictive.

The control system in Slingshot Racing is what makes this game unique, with no buttons for gas, braking, or even steering. Your vehicle simply starts to accelerate, and it's your job to touch the screen at the perfect moment to send a grappling hook out to a corner anchor that guides you around the turn. With an anchor at every turn, you might wonder, how can you vary speed and select your line around the track?

The career mode of the game is where you'll spend most of your time, competing in 64 different races with different objectives. Race mode pits you against three AI-controlled players where your "Cog" ranking is determined by how you finish. A Pickup Race mode challenges you to pick up cogs as you go around the track in the fewest number of laps possible. Time Trial mode lets you race for your best time to see where you rank on the leaderboards. Finally, the fourth challenge has you racing around the track for the best position possible as a mechanical Chomper works its way around the track destroying last-place racers. The game also offers a local multiplayer option so you can challenge three other friends to races.

Similar to games like Angry Birds, Slingshot Racing has a ranking system where a perfect run earns you three cogs (or three stars) so there is plenty of replay value as you try to perfect your technique.

Overall, Slingshot Racing is a unique racing title with superb graphics, excellent physics as you slide around the track, and plenty of racing modes to keep you coming back for more. If you're looking for something different in the racing genre, Slingshot is a very well-made racing game. ff782bc1db

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