About Me

 International Board Certified Lactation Consultant for over 10 years. I have had the privilege of working with families in healthcare for my entire adult life.  My passion is to help families achieve their own breastfeeding goals, through evidence based information, support and advocacy.  I do not believe in one size fits all solutions. I strive to help educate families on all available options, address their specific needs, and provide practical answers to each family's unique situation.

Benefits of Lactation Support

Breastfeeding is natural, and so is walking but we don't start out just knowing how to do it. Even moms who have breastfed before can need help, each baby is different.

 It all starts with education.  Families who have had prenatal consults with me have said that the information that they received helped them know what to expect and "prevented the anxiety of the unknown".  I also work with families to offer regular check-ins so that we can discuss what to expect as the baby grows. Breastfeeding takes practice and it can be a lot of work but it should never be painful. Pain is one of the number one reasons that moms quit breastfeeding before they are ready.  The good news is there are solutions!

 As a professional lactation consultant, I meet you in your own space. You do not have to drag your newborn out of the house, no need for makeup and dressing up. You can receive professional support in the comfort of your own home, in your yoga pants, and with spit up on your shirt. No judgment! It can be really helpful to work on positioning in your typical nursing spot. We can also meet via telehealth or in another agreed-upon location if needed. 

Finding a solution that works for your family is often more involved than just adjusting a latch or changing a hold. It involves getting to know you. Discussing long-term goals and involving your support system. Dads, grandparents, and other caregivers are encouraged to be part of the visit. By the end of the visit, you will have a feeding plan, your questions answered, and real solutions to your breastfeeding concerns.