Hello all. Has anyone else struggled through not recieving offers at Prime level and actually succeeded? My wife and I are both Diamond with CnA as well as Prime with Casino Royale. I am prime with over 6000 points on my membership in the casino. I have not received a single offer going all the way back to August of 2023. My wife receives several good offers a month. We always travel together, play slots together and have the same "allowance" per cruise so our points are similar and our playtimes are almost exactly matched. I've heard every "reason" from the casino so far such as "your email is associated with more than one account" "you have multiple physical addresses listed on your account" and several other vague excuses. each time assuring me the problems have been resolved and I will start receiving offers. Today I spoke with yet another "resolution manager" to be told that I just don't play enough in the casino to warrant any offers. With over 6000 points, how is it that I don't play enough? He basically told me it is what it is and I won't be receiving any offers.

Since we have been loyal to Royal since 2017 and to Casino Royale since our very first cruise, I figured I'll give it one last shot here to make my points count for something before we change to a land based casino that will take care of us. As you all know, we have spent some money getting us both to Prime and Diamond. To be blown off and treated this way is very disappointing. does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this sorted, or should we just move on and spend our money elsewhere?

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I get e-mails, but for some reason the snail mail offers get sent to my parents address. I've never lived there and never used their address for anything, so I am not sure what is going on in their marketing department. I do check the club royale website often for any offers I may have missed by either snail mail or e-mail (junk folder). I usually have 3-4 offers active at any given time and use them for my cruises. You can check out your offers at: clubroyaleoffers.com

I check online for everything. My wife has seven current offers, I have zero. The only thing showing online is my two instant rewards certificates from our two December cruises. I have never received a mailer. My wife receives them for about 85% of her offers.

I filled out the little "not getting my offers" form on the Club Royale page and was told the same; that my email address was being used for multiple people. I called in and they said they "removed" the other people but it didn't help anything so I changed my email address associated with my C&A number. I also called the Crown & Anchor number to confirm that my email address was only associated with me. I make sure every time I book a reservation with another person on it that they put a different email address down for that other person.

I did try the "not getting my offers button" twice. First time was " multiple emails" second time they didn't bother to reply. I check online for my offers. I have verified with Casino Royale and Crown and Anchor that my email address is correct and only one address is listed. It's especially frustrating when one of gets offers almost every week and the other has never received a single one. It's like serving two people the same dinner at the same table where one plate is full and pretty while the other is poorly presented and a smaller portion. You just shouldn't be that obvious about it. And for the Casino Royale staff to not care at all doesn't follow with RCCL and their customer service. Pre-covid we had a "personal casino representative" that took great care of us. If we still had that I know he'd solve it. I guess Royal is so booked with newer clientele that they don't need us lowly Diamonds any longer.

I guess that answers my question. If they won't take good care of a Signature not to mention Pinnacle, then my little 6000 point aren't worth anything. You would think as a Pinnacle the Crown and Anchor would make a phone call. I realize they aren't connected, but it's still part of RCCL.

I get physical casino offer mailers for @Ampurp85 since she sailed with us once. We get random mailers for someone we've never heard of before for Celebrity. They definitely have something jacked up in their databases and I don't think anyone you will talk to on the phone knows anything more about it than we do and will just make up something when you ask.

No one is hand picking who gets these offers. They're deciding on some specific criteria and their databases have been corrupted so many times over the years that the results returned are incorrect and incomplete..but they don't care since they'll just keep making offers until they hit their quota.

@AshleyDillo that's pretty wild. When I spoke to the casino manager onboard last month, she looked at my account and they had several emails and physical addresses that I've never heard of and had nothing to do with me. I know it's all about the numbers and there's plenty more people to replace us, but that's not the way to do it in the bigger picture. As a business owner, I realize the benefit of taking care of my clientele who have proven some type of loyalty as well as a track record of willingness to spend money with me. Sure I can constantly replace them with new clients, but there is no guarantee on what they will spend and I have to build a new relationship every time.

From what I can see, the problem is just too big for them to address it. They are chasing the turnover with new customers. It seems it would be to their benefit to have a team that sorts this problem and retains loyal clients. But I guess that's why I'm not running a billion dollar company. It just sucks for us smaller percentage that fall through the cracks. 152ee80cbc

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