Liana Wants to Know: What Causes Vaping-Related Lung Illness?

Liana spent five days in the hospital’s intensive care unit where she was treated with oxygen and medicines to reduce the fluid and swelling in her lungs. Fortunately, she has recovered enough to go home. Doctors are still not certain whether Liana will recover completely or whether her lung damage will cause breathing problems in the future.

Liana wants to know what caused her lung illness so that this does not happen again. Liana’s doctors explained that thousands of people throughout the United States have been affected by a mysterious vaping-related lung illness. Medical researchers believe these severe lung illnesses are linked to vaping because all the patients have vaped nicotine or THC (from marijuana), or both, and they do not have an infection or other medical condition that would explain their lung disease.

Liana and nine other patients who became ill after vaping agreed to participate in a research study to identify possible causes for their severe vaping-related lung illnesses. First, medical researchers examined small samples of lung tissue taken from the 10 patients (Liana and the nine other patients). All 10 of the lung tissue samples showed damage that looks like the patients were exposed to toxic chemical fumes that “burned” their lung tissue.