Ways to Improve Mental Wellness

1. Exercise. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Anything that you enjoy and gets your heart pumping will do wonders for your mental health.

2. Eat healthy. Limit simple sugars and processed foods and eat more fruits, veggies, and healthy fats, like avocados, nuts, and olive oils. Make sure you are getting enough water.

If you struggle with anxiety, eat several small meals or snacks rather than just a few big meals, as drastic changes in blood sugar can make you feel more nervous.

3. Avoid mind-altering substances. Limit caffeine and alcohol and avoid illicit drugs.

While people respond differently, in general, these substances alter the way your mind works and can increase anxiety and depression. These effects can build up over the long term, so even if you don't feel an immediate increase in anxiety and depression when you use these substances, they may still be impacting your mood.

4. Prioritize sleep. Practice good sleep hygiene and aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night. If you have trouble sleeping, see your doctor.

There are also workbooks and self-help strategies that can help improve your sleep. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is an especially well studied and effective tool for beating insomnia.

5. Build an internal locus of control. People who see themselves in control of their own destiny tend to be happier and more resilient. Practice taking responsibility for things that happen in your day-to-day life and focusing only on the things you can control.

6. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Building mindfulness can be as simple as repeatedly bringing yourself back to the present throughout the day. You can also consider starting a formal meditation practice centered on mindfulness, where you focus on bringing your attention back to your breath or another anchor.

7. Pray or meditate. Connecting with something bigger than yourself can help protect your mental health. You do not have to be religious to benefit from the positive effects of prayer or meditation.

8. Unload. Is there something that you can ask for help with? Can you decrease your responsibilities in some way? Work on setting boundaries at work and at home.

9. Surround yourself with positivity. Limit your exposure to toxic people and things, if possible. If you use social media, make sure that it is a positive experience, and only follow people who boost your mood or add value to your life in some way.

10. Practice gratitude. Gratitude can help lower stress, depression, and anxiety. This works especially well if you write it down
