General animation

Last updated: 13/13/2023

Prices can be higher depending on character complexity and other details such as backgrounds and shading. Keep this in mind while reviewing these prices.

These commissions are Safe For Work. There is no 18+ option available for animation as of current times.

Still bust

Still-standing character doing something simple (blinking, smiling etc.)

15$ (Sketch)
20$ (Lined)
25$ (Colored)
35$ (Lineless)

Moving bust

Expressive moving character up to bust format.

20$ (Sketch)
25$ (Lined)
30$ (Colored)
40$ (Lineless)

Bouncy fullbody

Bouncy characters, 1-3 frames minimum.

15$ (Sketch)
20$ (Lined)
25$ (Colored)
35$ (Lineless)


These charges will be added to your commission if requested.

+5$ (Simple shading)
+10$ (Semi-complex shading)
+15$ (Complex shading)

+10$ (Simple background)
+20$ (Semi-complex background)
+35$ (Complex background)

+15$ (Per additional character)