
Abolitionist [ab-uh-lish-uh-nist] a person who advocated or supported the abolition of slavery in the U.S. (p.5)

Amalgamation [uh-mal-guh-mey-shuhn] a now largely archaic term for the intermarriage and interbreeding of different ethnicities or races. In the United States, it was partly replaced after 1863 by the term miscegenation. While the term amalgamation could refer to the interbreeding of different white as well as non-white ethnicities, the term miscegenation referred specifically to the interbreeding of whites and non-whites, especially African Americans. (p.56)

Eulogizing [yoo-luh-jahyz-ing] to praise highly (p.83)

Separatist [sep-er-uh-tist] political movement that seeks separate economic and cultural development for white people. White separatists desire to remove themselves from racially integrated society and to secede based on race. Homeland separatism is where all different ethnic or racial groups have the right to self-determination in their own homeland. (p.5)

Vicariously [vahy-kair-ee-uhs-lee] through the experience of another person (p.38)