Webelos & Arrow of Light

Den 2 Webelos

Fourth Grade or 9 years old 

Den 1 Arrow of Light (AOL)

Fifth Grade or 10 years old

Our Goals  

Webelos is a 20 month program for 4th and 5th grade children to prepare to join a Scout troop while learning outdoor skills and participating in up to 20 different activity badges. A well-run group of Webelos is a gradual change from being an 'adult-run' den to being a 'Boy/Girl-run' patrol ready to fit right into an adventurous scouting troop. This migration requires the parents and den leaders to give the scouts more and more control, decision-making power, and responsibility as they progress in skills, abilities, and maturity.


The Webelos program has two major milestones - the Webelos rank badge to be earned at the 4th grade level and the Arrow of Light to be earned at the 5th grade. The final part of Webelos is bridging over into a Scout troop selected individually by the scout.

The Adventures

There are 22 adventures in the Webelo program and another 18 adventures for Arrow of Light

See the Webelo adventures

See the AOL adventures


A field uniform (formerly known as “Class A”) is required at den and pack meetings.



Local Scout shops

Refer to the Scout Shops webpage

Is your Fourth or Fifth Grader thinking about Scouts? 

Then you probably have some questions. 

Email the Committee Chair and leave your phone number.  We'd love to talk to you about Scouting. 

Field Uniform

Activity Uniform

Available to purchase at Pack Meetings or contact:

Committee chair