The Farm House

The Whispering Winds farm was purchased in 1973 for the purpose of providing additional space for parking and for general use by the Carroll County Historical Society. It had been owned by the Crouse family from 1917-1956 and the Stanley Ebling family (1956-1972). It was the wish of the Ebling family that sometime the farm should be a part of the Mill Complex.

The exact date of when the house was built is not known, but it is believed to be in the 1870’s.

The farmhouse is used throughout the year. It is the base for the “Thursday Work Days” during the colder months. A large room was added to the house in 1981. Each week the woman use this area to quilt, make rugs, and ply other housewife trades, while the men busy themselves with the affairs of the Mill Complex.   

A great “Pot Luck” dinner is enjoyed by all each Thursday. Volunteers always welcome (8:30am-3:00pm).