Exercise Descriptions

Exercises at Carrefour are geared for ages 50 years plus and for all fitness levels. Carrefour exercises are from light impact to Moderate. Each member is responsible for determining the level of activity that is appropriate for him/her. Carrefour activities are designed to help:

45 minutes Workout (moderate)

No mats. No floor exercises. Weights are optional

Belly Dancing is an Oriental Dance to the tune of Arabic music. Practicing Belly Dance provides a good workout for your arms, back, hips, thighs, and abdominal muscles. It helps increase both flexibility and strength.

Balance & Elastics (Light) work your core muscles to increase coordination and strength, reduce the risk of falling, allowing you to move freely and steadily. It enhances stability, mobility, and flexibility.

Bring an elastic. No mats. No floor exercises. Use of a chair for support is optional.

Cardio 20 – 20 – 20 (Variable intensity)

20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of toning and 20 minutes of stretching.

Bring an elastic band and your mat for floor exercises.

Dance/Movement Therapy (Light) is based on moves to the sound of music integrating the body, mind, and spirit. It encourages improvisation, free expression, individual’s creativity and self-confidence.

ESSENTRICS (Variable intensity)

While standing, you will work on your BALANCE, Posture & Stability. This dynamic workout will activate all your muscles, free your joints, and increase mobility.

Bring an elastic band and a mat for floor exercises. Use of a chair is optional.

Fusion (moderate) helps improve flexibility, balance, and posture. It is a combination of exercises such as Cardio, TaiChi, Pilates, Elastics, Weights, etc. 

Bring an elastic band and a mat for floor exercises

POSTURE (Light) is one of movement and breathing exercises to create a good posture. A good posture reduces wear and tear on joints, decreases stress on the spine, promotes effective use of the body muscles, improves strength, flexibility, balance and function to your body. It combats age-related muscle loss and decreases the likelihood of injury. Use of chair.

Stretchelates (Light) tones and defines your physique and promotes overall physical well-being. It helps to increase bone density, improve muscle endurance, enhance metabolism and boost cardiovascular. Use of chair.

Yoga (moderate) provides a total health system for the body, mind & spirit. It is great for stress relief & improving your quality of life. Stretch, meditate and relax.

Bring your own floor mat and a towel.

Yoga Chair (Light) reduces stress, boosts mental clarity, Improves strength, and eases movements and flexibility. 

No mats. No floor exercises. You sit on a chair.

Zumba / Zumba Gold (Variable intensity) is an exhilarating, effective and calorie-burning dance fitness-exercise that has spread across the world. Zumba classes feature Latin rhythms and international beats with easy-to-follow moves to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. 

No mats. No floor exercises.