What is Bitcoin Cash

What is Bitcoin Cash? (bitql app)

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a hard fork (a local area enacted update of the convention or code) of the first Bitcoin blockchain.

The Bitcoin fork occurred on August 1, 2017, to refresh the square size to 8MB. On November 16, 2018, BCH forked a subsequent time and split into Bitcoin SV (Satoshi's Vision) and Bitcoin ABC. Bitcoin ABC turned into the prevailing chain and assumed control over the BCH ticker as it had the most hash power and the majority of the hubs on the organization.

Bitcoin Cash guide

The objective of Bitcoin Cash is to become strong money that can be utilized by all individuals on the planet. This is a civilizational change innovation tha

The data introduced here doesn't infer any responsibility or proposal with respect to Territorio Bitcoin. Region Bitcoin doesn't partake in the investments nor does it get any kind of compensation. We just offer data.

Bitcoin Cash on-chain measurements

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a hard fork (a local area initiated update of the convention or code) of the first Bitcoin blockchain. (bitql app )

The Bitcoin fork occurred on August 1, 2017, to refresh the square size to 8MB. On November 16, 2018, BCH forked a subsequent time and split into Bitcoin SV (Satoshi's Vision) and Bitcoin ABC. Bitcoin ABC turned into the prevailing chain and assumed control over the BCH ticker as it had the most hash force and the majority of the hubs on the organization.

Bitcoin Cash had its latest splitting on April 8, 2020, when its square prize dropped to 6.25, rather than 12.5.

Bitcoin Cash on-chain measurements , graciousness of IntoTheBlock

Token Summary

On-chain measurements that show a fast perspective on the situation with Bitcoin Cash

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The data introduced here doesn't suggest any responsibility or proposal with respect to Territorio Bitcoin. Region Bitcoin doesn't take an interest in the investments nor does it get any kind of compensation. We just offer data.