Numerology: how to discover your life

Numerology: how to discover your life direction as per your date of birth (life path number )

The vibration of the number of our "introduction to the world path" affects our character, job and love. Nadir Otermin Hamed, Holistic Master, guides us to know him and have the option to direct our destiny.

As we become familiar with our life exercise, we can endure numerous mishaps and difficulties, however in the event that we keep on persevering in the exertion, we will develop

How we can without much of a stretch satisfy our commitment or get familiar with the exercise is determined in our "Life Path" , which comprises of the amount of the month, day and year of birth .

In reality, it resembles an enlightening outline that determines what exercises we realized in previous existences and what we brought upon entering the world as experienced in the current destination.

How to calculate the path number

The amount of the day, month and year show us the degree where we are presently, in this school such is reality. It additionally gives us the way in to our potential jobs and the activities that will cause us to fill in every perspective.

At the point when we uncover what this limit is, then it will be a lot simpler for us to satisfy the needs of our destiny.

The method is very simple:

To start with, all the numbers from the date of birth are added together. For instance, if an individual was brought into the world on February 3, 1972. The entirety is: 3 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6 .

The Life Path of this individual is 6 (six) since in numerology all figures are decreased to a solitary digit from 1 to 9.

The translation table

Path 1

Everything starts in the one, in the deduction mind, in a thought. In 1, we discover the BEGINNINGS .

Individuals who are brought into the world under this vibration will be mental. They will like everything, they will be enthusiastic about everything. It will cost them "to flourish" and is that where it counts, in spite of the fact that they state they need a responsibility and a steady life, that thought panics them, which is the reason they will rationalize everything that includes a responsibility.

Snappy leaning and splendid, they will have extraordinary thoughts. They will jump at the chance to feel free and autonomous. They will work completely, indefatigably, when they do exercises they need. They need acknowledgment from others, to constantly reveal to them how well they do everything. As it is a psychological number, you will consistently be thinking, they are very apprehensive and restless. (calculate my life path number )

Guidance : An individual brought into the world under this vibration should figure out how to make responsibilities , to keep up steadiness in his life, to accept accountability for those responsibilities made and finish the things that start. You should exploit all that clear and alert brain that you have been given. Secure non-routine positions , where they are perceived and while they have space, autonomy and opportunity. In the couple , love will just come from the hand of a great individual and equipped for conceding that piece of trust, opportunity and space that they need, being somewhat envious and possessive, and yet making them settle down a little and them help them feel responsible.

Path 2

Under this vibration are COUPLE matters , correspondences, associations with others (companions), just as legitimate issues and a wide range of administrative work.

They need love in their life, they are creatures who need to share life close to somebody, yet they risk getting snared on connections that don't fulfill them (reliance rather than adoration). This can make them invalidate themselves as people. This demeanor of exploitation or feeling like saints hurts them since they are troubled and they won't ever accomplish it, on the off chance that they don't quit feeling responsible for the satisfaction of others.

Participation, propriety, thought, graciousness, reasonability, administration, peacefulness, bashfulness, humility, circumspection, companionship, love, affectability are a portion of the characteristics and attributes of this number.

Dread significantly conditions a two in their day by day life and in dynamic. They are normally scared of the results of what they can create in others, dread of not getting outer endorsement, dread of losing security and strength ...

Tip : It is hard for them to talk from the heart, they need to figure out how to talk genuinely and say what they feel, or they will endure genuine medical issues, from misery or nerves, yet additionally from the throat and respiratory framework.

Path 3

Its incredible association with the CHILDREN'S WORLD and the little ones, makes the numbers 3 like everlasting kids, they appreciate, play, they are more associated with their internal identity than the remainder of the other numbers. It oversees socially. They relate very effectively, are talkative ordinarily and can fall into inactive talk. (Bižuterie)

However, they keep their security very hidden. They can jabber and know many individuals, however very scarcely any know them. They decipher very well yet we will remain unaware of a three on the off chance that he doesn't need it. They conceal their feelings and are very proprietors of their security.

They are individuals who radiate that uncommon "something" that makes being with them agreeable and fun. Since the vibration snickers and grins the most. They realize how to get something positive out of every negative circumstance.

They love and need change, on a limited scale, fun, recreation, imagination, travel, plastic expressions, magnificence, style, esthetics ... what's more, they don't care for schedule. It is, maybe, the most coquettish number and they are effectively perceived by their perfect appearance. They have an extraordinary limit with regards to exertion and improvement to seek after and accomplish their objectives.

Tip : The consistent development impacts numerous parts of life, perhaps the main: motherhood or fatherhood. They risk being unnecessarily defensive, coming to live exclusively by and for themselves (they revoke themselves) or carrying on with their lives through that of their kids, projecting their feelings of dread, their triumphs and their disappointments onto them. They need to figure out how to keep a fair relationship with their youngsters and let them carry on with their own lives.

Path 4

Under this vibration are work, request, home and SOLID FOUNDATIONS . These individuals are efficient and coordinated, with an inclination to abundance. They like to have everything leveled out.

They are very sensible, you don't assemble strongholds noticeable all around. However, this abundance of duty, of "reality", this requirement for control, makes a frenzy to change, to everything unsure or unreliable, to everything that isn't in their grasp.

However, these attributes taken a piece to the extraordinary (normal thing, incidentally) make individuals who live under this vibration lose a ton of things, it is that they don't hazard, they are traditionalist. Furthermore, they make not many articulations of love and are desolate.

Counsel : They should figure out how to accept their life, their duty, and let others expect to be theirs. They offer ceaseless and free guidance regardless of whether they are not requested it, and therefore they can now and again seem to need to get into everyone's life. Yet, the facts demonstrate that on uncommon events this is the situation, by and large they do it with sincere goal.