
Orcid: 5355-8574-4600-9345

Summary: 7 papers and 3 proceedings, all peer reviewed.

For an up-to-date and complete list see my ADS and Google Scholar profiles.

Published papers

First author papers

Tidal interactions shape period ratios in planetary systems with three-body resonant chains
C. Charalambous, J. Teyssandier & A.-S. Libert, 2023.
A&A, Volume 677, ppA160.

Web of resonances and possible path of evolution of the small Uranian satellites
C. Charalambous, C.A. Giuppone & O.M. Guilera, 2022.
ASS, Volume 367, Issue 5, article id.54.

Proximity of exoplanets to first-order mean-motion resonances
C. Charalambous, J. Teyssandier & A.-S. Libert, 2022.
MNRAS, Volume 514, Issue 3, pp.3844-3856.

Resonance capture and dynamics of three-planet systems
C. Charalambous, J.G. Marti, C. Beauge & X.S. Ramos, 2018.
MNRAS, Volume 477, Issue 1, pp.1414-1425.

Collaboration papers

Detection of separatrices and chaotic seas based on orbit amplitudes
J. Daquin & C. Charalambous, 2023.
CMDA Volume 135, 31 pp.

A gap-sharing planet pair shaping the crescent in HD 163296: a disk sculpted by a resonant chain
J. Garrido-Deutelmoser, C. Petrovich, C. Charalambous, V.V. Guzmán & K. Zhang, 2023.
ApJ Letters, Volume 945, L37 pp.

Planetary migration and the origin of the 2:1 and 3:2 (near)-resonant population of close-in exoplanets
X.S. Ramos, C. Charalambous, P. Benitez-Llambay & C. Beauge, 2017.
A&A, Volume 602, id.A101, 11 pp.

Conference papers

Tidal effects in resonant chains of close-in planets: TTV analysis of Kepler-80
C. Charalambous & A.-S. Libert, 2023,Volume..., Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

The 8/5 resonance between TRAPPIST-1 innermost planets
C. Charalambous & C. Beauge, 2021.
BAAA, Volume 62, p.41-43.

Orbital migration and Resonance Offset of the Kepler-25 and K2-24 systems
C. Charalambous, X.S. Ramos, P. Benitez-Llambay & C. Beauge, 2017.
JPCS, Volume 911, Issue 1, article id. 012027.

Ph.D. Thesis