
I currently teach two courses in the Business School at the University of Sussex:

Innovation and Industrial Policy, a graduate-level module which goes through the basic economics and rationale for industrial and innovation policy and discusses different levers for policy intervention, such as global value chains and industrial clusters as well as policy for current challenges such as climate change.

Public Management, a second-year undergraduate module which teaches management principles for the public sector, the changing role of the public sector and how it has been managed over time, as well as specific issues such as public finances, accountability and evidence based policy making.

From the 2024/25 academic year I will convene an MSc-level module on policy evaluation.

I co-supervise PhD students in the Science and Technology Policy programme and welcome proposals from prospective students. 

Previously at LSE I taught:

Theories of Regional development (3rd year undergraduate), TA for Prof. Michael Storper: 2019/20, 2020/21

Contemporary Europe (1st year undergraduate), TA for Prof. Simona Iammarino: 2020/21

I completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education at the LSE and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.